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Seems as though,some DMT members r leaving DMT to join ViP.This is a problem and has to stop.I don't know what they have said to u, but plz try to ignore them. We don't want to lose ne more DMT members. If u have been on wwp recently u will have noticed Worma and gLiTcH have gone off with them.
08.06.04 12:31
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yes it seems as though they have some sort of hypnosis goin on :P Although you are free to play them do your best to resist.


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08.06.04 17:14
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ViP is the fucking worst clan ever. Ask Zippy. They are so shitty and are assholes.
08.06.04 21:22
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yes indeed. Yay varily, etc. etc. So is this thread a warning or something? Anyway, they seemed pretty nice at first. But NOW... their evil plot is at work. They are showing their evil sides. RESIST AND FIGHT, DMT WARRIORS! ...Hah.


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08.06.04 23:43
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Ahha, so I wasn't the only clan leader having members leave to join... Other clans. ViP is another, "Lemme take control of everything" clan. And now we know what clan is hated by DMT:P

09.06.04 00:29
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i knew from the start it was a bad i idea taking glitch on in the first place as for worma he is an ass with a well bad attitude problem no love lost though lol :mrgreen:
09.06.04 17:28
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Nope, none at all :mrgreen: WormA (was it WormA? I forget) drinks anyway. Tsk tsk. Not sure if I even MET glitch :P


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09.06.04 19:35
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yeah not to worry, im sure they wont be missed anyway, and its now that you realise who your real members are :D
09.06.04 21:49
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Worma acts like an ass because the he never feels the anger, pressure, and competition... That's why he says "n1" when u screw up on rope.

10.06.04 05:02
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I hate when people do that. What are they, trying to compliment you? Hey, never thought you could lose that many hp before... good job... or it's just sarcasm ;P


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10.06.04 13:41
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Worma said it was just a game, meaning he has no competition playing it. He does the same thing with himself because he ain't no pro roper.

10.06.04 15:59
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Just a game..thats y he starts cryin and swearin when he loses.(uses same excuse"i'm drunk")stupid fool.GOOD RIDENCE.
10.06.04 16:36
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riddance* :) Anyways, do you notice my presig being... faster? Before it wasn't that fast but now it makes u dizzy :P


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10.06.04 17:24
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Thx for correcting me Thnikkaman,but what has ur presig got to do with this thread:lol:
10.06.04 20:02
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lol nothing me thinks 8O, any way maybe its time to look for some better members to replace them
10.06.04 21:35
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