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Project Epoch is looking for help with their MMORPG (not really an RPG, it's more like Zelda). Their game will NOT be open source, and will be free to download and play (once it's done). If you would like to help, or just check out what's going on, you can go to . Register, get the validation e-mail, and then post in the Staff Jobs forum. At the moment, we're looking for C++ coders. Hope to see at least someone there
05.06.04 00:42
Post #1
Last edited: 05.06.04 00:42 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'd be up for it if i knw C++ lol, i gave up my dream of leaning to code standalong applications long ago when i got into php.

I really must look into gtk sometime actually...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.06.04 00:44
Post #2
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