
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Mod Tryouts

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I saw this on another forum what seemed to work pretty well, the people (what in our case would be bluies) had a sought of "work progress" in modding, it was a week or somthing as a mod for a selected forum there, this somehow cut down on spam of many kinds specialy to have high ranks or whatever they had there, it also made the people realise it's not always as good as they thought it was, aka me and that they are a good member to there forum/the sites "community".

I thought id mention it here becouse it seemed like a good idea and it realy helped over there.
01.06.04 18:36
Post #1
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i think we have enough mods...4 now and spam isnt a problem, user ratings and spam ratings seem 2 work:)

01.06.04 19:33
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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This is just fuzz's attempt to be a mod :P
01.06.04 20:40
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No, you don't become a mod, you get to be a mod for a few days on 1 forum, but after you don't become a mod, and i can't do it becouse i'm a mod on a forum anyway :/
02.06.04 09:00
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i'm a mod on a forum(rpg forum), so that means i'm out.
Alot of people here are mods of forums just not forums like general and oftopic.

02.06.04 11:25
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Anyways this isn't that much of a good idea. Just in case the person voted is sum1 untrustworthy, etc.
02.06.04 20:22
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Well then don't do it -.-'
03.06.04 08:45
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enough of mods :?


03.06.04 17:50
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