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WTF is that all about? if ya havn't noticed yet. It's below the Forum stuff on the left Bar.

29.05.04 17:34
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Click on it and try it out maybe?
29.05.04 17:46
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I have and half the links don't work......Yet.
I think this is like a language thingy where people post about other languages to help other people.

29.05.04 17:47
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its mostly a tranlater for certain languages and made up languages, for what i see so far.. the first 2 links work for me
29.05.04 17:50
Post #4
Last edited: 29.05.04 17:51 (MrrLL - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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sorry everyone, this is gonna be socials only until at least alpha testing, and possibly beta testing is done.

Feel free to post suggestions about what you'd like to see in it here. MrrLL was correct about what it is.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.05.04 18:11
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what, stuff like a=b b=c and so on?

29.05.04 18:15
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nah...More like the EG already i there....Angry scots.

I can't think of any.

29.05.04 18:16
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oh right, i get it now:)

29.05.04 18:20
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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atm here's my plan:

3 types of rule:

1) Word/Phrase Swap

Eg, 'understand?' -> 'd'ya ken?'

2) Random Sentance start

Eg 'blah. Once upon a time' -> 'blah. och aye once upon a time'

3) Random Sentance End

Eg 'thats why i said it. Why did you say it?' -> 'thats why i said it, och. Why did you say it?'

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.05.04 18:40
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Quoted :: ReadMe

atm here's my plan:

3 types of rule:

1) Word/Phrase Swap

Eg, 'understand?' -> 'd'ya ken?'

2) Random Sentance start

Eg 'blah. Once upon a time' -> 'blah. och aye once upon a time'

3) Random Sentance End

Eg 'thats why i said it. Why did you say it?' -> 'thats why i said it, och. Why did you say it?'

Nice spelling.
[]TheAbdBoy$1is part of the Grammer and Spelling police

to get back on topic: I added 12-year-old AOLer!

29.05.04 19:04
Post #10
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: ReadMe

atm here's my plan:

3 types of rule:

1) Word/Phrase Swap

Eg, 'understand?' -> 'd'ya ken?'

2) Random Sentance start

Eg 'blah. Once upon a time' -> 'blah. och aye once upon a time'

3) Random Sentance End

Eg 'thats why i said it. Why did you say it?' -> 'thats why i said it, och. Why did you say it?'

Nice spelling.
[]TheAbdBoy is part of the Grammer and Spelling police

to get back on topic: I added 12-year-old AOLer!

Nice spelling.:roll::P
30.05.04 09:20
Post #11
Last edited: 30.05.04 09:21 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]

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