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He's talking about rusk. Hence why he talked about it in his post:P

03.06.04 22:09
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On some forums, there are stores with "eyecandy" items, such as a glowing name (using IE-specific CSS), colored name, glowing title, colored title - just take a look at Wormiverse forums. Also, maybe there could be a (extremely expensive to prevent too many) item that allows the buyer to have a custom torso...?

Anyway, just brainstorming. But this thread is a good one, and I think Zog should consider adding items like above.

EDIT: More ideas - how bout make some special smilie sets and designs have a price the user has to pay to get?
05.06.04 00:03
Post #17
Last edited: 05.06.04 00:04 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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aha, the first good idea i've heard for money yet.

well done joe. Now if i only had time to code some of it....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.06.04 00:42
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Don't worry, wait 'till your summer break (or weekend, I don't know dogcrap about holidays in UK). Actually, use all of those eye candy things later in the year.
05.06.04 02:12
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Quoted :: ReadMe

aha, the first good idea i've heard for money yet.

well done joe. Now if i only had time to code some of it....

A rich person torso eh? You'd also have to make a rich person bluie i'd think as well.

I thought the rich person forum would be a better idea tho. Something less confusing, and less, having to do with torsos.
05.06.04 19:13
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you seem to have missed the point, the idea is rich people get to buy special add ons like a glowing name or something.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.06.04 22:23
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[]Star Worms
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Only problem is that with all the diffrent skins, no matter what colour you set it to, not everyone will be able to read it:? For example, For The Pope's website, the colour for his link is orange. On bloopy's hell design (yellow background) it is hard to read unless you know what it already says.

05.06.04 22:31
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Aaah, but I added a background colour (#cccccc) but will only appear in IE...

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.06.04 07:30
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(offtopic, to popeman:)

two things

you have redundant code--you specified color as a property of the font tag, but then you specified it in the style property as well. doesn't really matter which one you rid your code of.

firefox doesn't seem to like apostrophes on certain properties for style... and on others it requires it... i hate mozilla for that. anywho, here's how it should look:


that'll make it look like it should in both browsers.

edit: makes this - GFXJunkie
06.06.04 16:51
Post #24
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prolly worth using the undepreciated tag: <span> instead of <font>

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.06.04 17:31
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well r_e's thingy works in Opera, that's how I would've done it too but, meh...

Blink tag owns though;)

06.06.04 21:38
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