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[]Star Worms
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I've completed the Worms 3D walkthrough thanks to some members on the T17 forums. For anyone who has been stuck on a mission for ages and you just can't find out how to do it, I suggest going here:

Click 'About', Then "Walkthrough', then click the mission you are stuck on. Each mission has a walkthrough for it and easter eggs are included. It also says what each mission unlocks!

Note: Walkthroughs for the deathmatches will be added soon.

24.05.04 20:58
Post #1
Last edited: 24.05.04 20:58 (Star Worms - 1 times) [RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Heh that could be very handey actually, thz alot. DOes it tell you were to unlock everything and were all the secret eggs are?
25.05.04 07:44
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[]Star Worms
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Yep, it says where all the easter eggs are and what each mission unlocks.

25.05.04 09:26
Post #3
[RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Are there any cheats on W3D?
Like blood mode?
Or aqua sheep? ( not very likely though, but it would be very cool)
26.05.04 21:29
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[]Star Worms
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No, there are no cheats. The aqua sheep was taken out and there is no blood mode.

26.05.04 21:54
Post #5
[RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Jesus, i really should make a new Crate Britain guide. The quality of the current one makes me feel ashamed:oops:

Nice and shiny edit:

Here, i made a new one. Much better quality, much bigger size. Sorry for taking so long
03.06.04 18:29
Post #6
Last edited: 04.06.04 10:17 (XxSpIDerxX - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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OK, updated the picture. Yeah I think that one is much better than the one before:)

17.06.04 19:12
Post #7
[RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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I know this is an old thread, but does this guide work with the PS2 version of worms 3D... I have been having troubles gettings few golds medals. :lol:
23.12.05 07:29
Post #8
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Yes it does work fine...

....Provided you can find it. Star Worms' site is long dead.
23.12.05 09:38
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[]Star Worms
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My site went kaput when BTP went kaput, so I do not know how to fix it.

I don't know how long it will be until it's working again so I'm posting a copy of it here:

My site went kaput when BTP went kaput, so I do not know how to fix it.

I don't know how long it will be until it's working again so I'm posting a copy of it here:


Turns 1-3: Get to the cliff the Nazis are on and skip go right under it. The enemy won't be able to attack you.
Turn 4: Collect the utility crate and fly up to the Nazis. Kill someone and hide in the bunker.

Now, just jetpack on top of the cliff and kill the enemy, anything, from zook to a firepunch can kill one worm

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Crate Britain

This mission, naturally, is quite easy as it is the first one. The aim is to get a utility crate which has a jetpack in it, and then fly and collect another crate on a remote island.
On your first turn, walk the worm forwards to the nearest ‘cliff’ (more of a steep hill, though). You will need to do a backflip (or two, smaller jumps) to get on top of this piece of land.
Keep on walking forwards and over the nearby bridge. Don’t worry about the enemy worm nearby, as it won’t harm you, and there is no need to kill it.
Once you come off the bridge, follow the ‘path’ marked in the ground round to a wooden plank bridge. Don’t worry about collecting the utility crate near here. If you have time, get onto the bridge, but don’t worry if you don’t.
After the enemy’s turn, select ‘skip go’ to skip the go of your second worm. If you want you can kill this worm now, but if you leave it alive, the enemies will tend to shoot it rather than your first worm.
When it is the first worm’s go again, carry on walking over the bridge. You will need to do a double-jump (or forward-moving backflip) to clear the gaps. When you reach the end, jump up onto the landmass in front of you.
Wait for your first worm to have it’s next turn, then move round to the right hand side of the island. Jump onto the smaller islands beneath you to reach the utility crate.
Collect the jetpack, and turn round 180 degrees and fly to the small, far-away island and collect the final crate to complete the mission.

Click Here to See a Screenshot showing where to go.

Walkthrough by thomasp
Screenshot by xXSpIDerXx

Grave Danger

You start on the bridge facing the angel, turn around and move toward the house, start going around the house starting on the left, you need to collect 4 crates, then go back towards the graveyard, the brown mounds are graves, if you place a grenade on any of them, when it blows up a grave you inside may be either a health crate or a curse, collect the crates, once you have all 4 you have won!
The 1st grave on the left, the 3rd on the left, the 3rd on the right and 4th on the right are the health crate graves, if you dont want to memorise that it is quite simply the ones where the grave stones have wings or halos, the ones with horns and pitchforks are curses.

Easter Egg

Around the back of the house there is a small round mound, it has no grave stone but it is a grave, if you blow this up you will have unlocked an easter egg!

Walkthrough by pilot62

A Leek In The Vegetable Patch

Turn 1: Collect all of the utility crates, and teleport to a safe high spot, like the shovel's handle or the fence's corners
Turn 2: Teleport to a safe high spot, like the shovel's handle or the fence's corners
Turn 3: Same as in Turn 2
Turn 4: One of the enemy worms is sitting on a barrel in the furthest corner. Carefully reach that barrel, shoot the worm into the water and sit on its highest spot.

Now you need to shoot the enemy down. After a few turns the enemy will all be on the fence, but you already have a few worms there. Just move to the enemy worms and firepunch/blow them off the edge from close range. It's possible to complete this mission in less than 8 turns without losing even one worm.

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Ice, Ice Maybe

The idea in this one is to make your way across the landscape, collect the Girder then use it to cross the water in order to gain access to the switch (located behind the hut), this in turn will freeze the hole and save all the Sheep from being executed...
From the start make your way down the mountain (best method would be to go down the right side - facing the fridge), halfway down the mountain there is a tiny cave which contains the Freeze utility (not essential but can be used at the end of a turn if there is a chance that the enemy can get a clear shot at you). Then walk across the terrain, heading towards the Girder (located behind the snowman), once you have this you need to make your way over to the hut.
The Girder needs to be placed in such a way that it forms a bridge across the water, make sure that the Girder is set to large in order to make it a more Worm-friendly bridge. A good tip here is to have your worm hidden when placing the Girder - this means that once the Girder is placed, your worm will not be a target for the enemy on his turn!
Once you've made your way over to hut, head straight through it and jump on the switched located just outside the back, hey presto, mission complete.

Walkthrough by Kel

When Annelids Collide

Turn 1: Make your way to Cap'n Harsh and firepuch him into the deep blue sea
Turn 2: Get to J and shoot him off the edge
Turn 3: Place your worm near the gates and shoot Freq Nasty off the column
Turn 4: Cross the bridge and firepuch Normal into the water

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Rum Deal

Be careful. If you are not very good with the jetpack this mission will be a nightmare for you. Gently lower yourself onto a barrel and collect the crate, then jump off and start the jetpack going again, find another barrel and keep doing this until you have collected enough crates to complete the mission. So long as you are careful with landing your jetpack on the barrels you should be ok.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Earn Your Crust

Turn 1: Cross the bridge and stand on the platform to the right (as you look at it crossing the bridge) from the enemy worm. Shoot the worm on the bridge with the bazooka. He'll die.
Turn 2: With your next worm jump towards the oil barrel ahead of you. There is a worm on the edge of the terrain. Firepunch him off and hide at the base of the cliff
Turn 3: Jetpack up to the top and firepunch Boggy Pete off. Hide close to the windmill blades but stay on the top
Turn 4: Firepunch the last worm into the water
Turn 5: Collect the crates with the jetpack.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Apple Core Island

Turn 1: Collect the utility crate and skip go. You are supposed to get killed now, don't worry
Turn 2: Quickly jump to the palm tree and climb to it's top. Now backflip, activate the jetpack in mid-air and land onto the treasure chest and collect the crate.

Don't kill anyone, you don't need to.
If done correctly, now you have gold

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Helter Skelter

Turn 1: Make your way up the helter skelter collecting all the crates. When you get to the top shoot one of the worms off with a bazooka.
Turn 2: Now shoot another worm down
Turn 3: Do the same again and shoot the last worm down

Note: The worm on the large platform can be tricky to shoot off. If you want: Shoot the other 2 worms first, then parachute down to him and finish him off with a grenade/bazooka.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Take My Cherry

Carefully make your way down the flowers slep by step (don't try to take short cuts or you may fall). Then carefully walk along the thin stalk of that flowers stretching across the murky depths. You need to head towards that ugly looking monster of a thing and get across the bridge and grab the crate to kill Boggy Pete. Don't worry he won't attack you. Your go will end before you get to the crate. The best way to complete this mission in the quickest time is actually to drown your other 2 worms. You don't need them, you only need your worm who will grab the crate. Just before you get to the bridge you'll see a utility crate, grab it - it has a low gravity in it. Be careful along the bridge as there are gaps so time your jumps well or you'll have to start again. Use the low gravity once you are across and backflip onto the top and grab the crate (try to control your backflip or else you may go off the end!). Then just aim the homing missle at Boggy Pete and fire! And that's it, gold!

Walkthrough by Star Worms

In Space No-one Can Hear You Clean

Turn 1: Jetpack to Mad Frank's flying saucer, collect the crate there and prod him off into space
Turn 2: Depending on the wind, parachute or jetpack to Treebus's rocket and prod him off. Then move to the left wing of the rocket, or else you'll be shot off
Turn 3: Jetpack to Truffle's saucer and firepunch him into the watery grave
Turn 4: Jetpack to Stig's satelite and land on one of it's wings. Now, shoot Stig off the satelite with a zook and end the mission

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Shiver Me Timbers

Turn 1: Collect the crates around you and donate the worm on the boat to the fishies. Hide in the cave after that
Turn 2: Typhoid should now be standing close to the edge. Collect all of the crates around you, firepunch Typhoid into the drink. Jump into the skull cave.
Turn 3: Jump to the worm next to the treasure chest and blow him onto the water
Turn 4: Get the captain to the mainland by frontflipping onto the rocks, get to the beach, collect the utility crate, jump onto the boat's remains and onto the ship. Skip go
Turn 5: Jetpack onto the island with the last enemy and blow him off the edge

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Falling For You

This mission requires you to Parachute from plane to plane, you start with 1 Parachute, this will allow you to fall to the next plane on which another Parachute will be found and so on.
The wind always blows in your favour so don't worry about that.
Don't feel pressured to perform several falls in one turn, take your time and stay alive.
Try to learn how to slow the Parachute down, try and pull back, controlling the decent rather than going full gun through the sky at break-neck speeds.
Eventually the trail of Parachutes will lead you onto the aircraft carrier, here a bundle of weapons can be found. The 3 weak enemies can be easily disposed of using the Bazooka (again, the wind will be in your favour and should carry the shots over to the enemies ship).

Walkthrough by Kel

Crop Circle

Turn 1: Use your first worm and move him around collecting crates
Turn 2: Use your second worm and use one of the bazookas on a enemy. Put your worm so you can not see its redish circle on the display and fire full power straight up.
Turn 3: Keep on using the first worm to collect crates untill it comes to the parachute, then stop.
Turn 4: Use your second worm to Dynamite on the worm you blasted down.
Turn 5: Ignore the first worm (unless you can parachute to the island with health)
Turn 6: Keep on using the method in step 2 untill you run out of bazookas then 1 second grenades at full power straight up as in step 2
Turn 7: Use Dynamite to finish them off!

Walkthrough by canofworms

Tree Village Trouble

Turn 1: Collect the utility crate, parachute to the island next to a tree(the one on the right of the big cannopy tree), quickly backflip to the top, collect the weapon crate, cross the bridge and collect the utility crate. You won't have any time left, so don't bother trying to do something
Turn 2: Collect the weapon crate near you and jump to the same tree you parachuted to in your last go. Backflip to the first platform, rope to Naughty Nick and prod him into the water. Use your retreat time to hide behind the tree, or else you'll be turned into swiss cheese bu the enemy's weapons
Turn 3: Parachute to Dangerous Dale and prod him into the water.
Turn 4: Walk over the bridge to Kiwie Kie and firepunch him into the water.

If done correctly, the enemy simply won't have time to touch the villagers

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Movie Mayhem

Turn 1: Reach Key Grip and prod him into the water
Turn 2: Firepuch Boom Boy to the edge of the set
Turn 3: Prod Gaffer into the water
Turn 4: Prod Boom Boy into the water
Turn 5: Blow Cameraman into the water with a bazooka

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Worm And The Beanstalk

Turn 1: Collect ALL of the targets and land in the boat
Turn 2: Jump directly into the boat, close the chute if it opens. When you are about to hit the boat open the chute and make it a soft landing. Also, if while falling down you realize you are going to miss the boat, open the chute and correct your fall
Turn 3: Same as Turn 2

If you miss the boat just a few wormy inches, it will still count as a landing. However, if you land on the anchor or the rope, you'll lose

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

School's In For Summer

Turn 1: Firepunch Bash into the water. If he doesn't fall into the water , just finish him of with the shotgun.
Turn 2: Firepunch Rocky to the water
Turn 3: Firepunch Hector to the water
Turn 4: Put a dynamite/HHG right next to Gripper so that he goes in water
All other turns: Finish off Gang Leader

Easter Egg

Throw two grenades or cluster bombs through the basketball hoops on the map and you unlock the Madchester soundbank!

Walkthrough by Bucket

High Stakes

Turn 1: Cross the bridge, jump onto the big tree and that large hill. Now chute down over the gates, go up the hill to the carpent that lies horizontally and position yourself right behind it. Don't touch Decomposing Diamond yet
Turn 2: Get to the same position as in Turn 1
Turn 3 (Van Wormsing): Reach the same spot as in the two other turns, quickly climb the cliff(there are small "islands" sticking out of the cliff you can jump on) and bat Dracuworm off the cliff.

If you don't manage to kill him this go, skip the turns of your 2 other worms and finish him off then
Now you should only have 3 or 4 enemies with only cluster bombs. Now, KILL THEM ALL!

Here's a guide for the first 3 turns. The yellow line marks Wormsing's path once he reaches the postion where he can climb the cliff

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

A Quick Fix

Turn 1: With your first worm collect the 3 crates containing the mines and the shotgun, and kill the worm sitting on the plant (Lennon).
Turn 2: Collect the crate behind the monitor to get more weapon crates, then climb inside the monitor and place the first mine.
Turn 3: Place the second mine and move away from it Continue until you place the all of the mines (there must be six of them overall), then push the power button If you run out of mines, collect a crate or two.
One worm must remain outside the monitor to draw away the enemy's attention. Place him in a position visible to the enemy but hard to hit, like under the monitor If you place the connections wrong and they will blow up - restart the mission, don't waste time.

A guide how to place the mines is in the manual on the desk. Remember, that the scheme on the manual is upside down

Tip: Stand on the bulbs and drop the mines from them.

Here's a simple diagram to show where to place the mines

Easter Egg

With your worm, jump on the keys on the keyboard spelling out "Team17" by jumping on T, then E, then A and so on until you have spelled out "Team17"

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx
Image by thomasp

All Cooped Up

Turn 1: Quickly run to the postbox and collect the crate. You can hide inside the postbox if you want
Turn 2: Now, head to the house, collect the health crates and drown Village Idiot with a zook
Turn 3: Drown Dim Worm with a zook

Now finish off the rest

Click Here for a guide how to collect the crates in one turn

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Trial Of The Damned

1: Go pick the crate and place the girder.
2: Go on the girder and pass to the second island.
3: Pass the rope. If you have some problem with the rope, try and get a good camera angle
4: After you get past the rope, jump to the island on your left. Then, jump to the island with a sort of church on it. Then, jump on the other island with a skeleton of a dinosaur. After that, pass the floating skeleton.
5: Just continue till you go to the halo hole. Jump in it. Mission Accomplished!

Click for a guide of where to go.

Walkthrough by Bucket

Showdown At The OK Corale Reef

Turn 1: Go as quick as possible and go get the crate at the other side of the map.
Turn 2: Put a Dynamite beside PinkBeard. It should kill him.
Turn 3: Go to Shipmate Maddy and prod him into water.
Turn 4: Prod Shipmate Eliote into the water
Turn 5: Use The Concrete Donkey on Shipmate Danny. It should kill him.
Turn 6: Use a homing missile on Captain Wriggly.
Turn 7: Finish him off. Mission accomplished!

Easter Egg

There's a crate on the highest building of the map. There's the Wooden Giraffe Wormopedia page in it. Click Here for screenshot of how to get to it.

Walkthrough by Bucket

Plaice Holder

1: Get the bazooka in the lighthouse and kill Quint. If you miss your shot, don't worry, they will send you another crate.
2: Go get the crate that just appeared. there's a jetpack in it. Use it to go get the crate on the Shark.
3: Use your jetpack again to go to the boat port and get the Girders.
4: Press the jump button to deselect the girder. Go to the lighthouse and place the girders as shown in the image here.
5: Use the parachute to go between the yellow barrels. Wait until the earthquake start and finish.
6: Go the bridge of the boat and get the crate. There's a Low Gravity in it. Use it to go to the lighthouse.
7: Go get the other crate that is behind the ladder.
8: Finally , go get the Final crate where the giant poster. Do a backflip to get it.

Walkthrough by Bucket

Hook, Line And Skimmer

Turn 1: Collect the crate on the beach, then the crate on the island over the bridge. Now, shoot the island with the enemy Henchman and watch it explode
Turn 2: Head to to island next to the flying boat and kill the Henchman sitting in it
Turn 3: Head to the island your other worm is sitting on. If the wind is strong(5-8), shoot Pink Beard's island. If it isn't strong enough, skip go

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Nobody Rides For Free

Turn 1: Go as quick as possible and go take the crate in the spaceship ride . If you have enough time, go pay Enrique by putting a mine into his booth if you don't have enough time, just go behinde Enrique.
Turn 2: Jump on the booth by doing a backflip then do another one to go on the rails. Just do others backfilp till you'll be in the cars. Collect the crates and try to jump to Enrique. You'll probably get some damage but not enough to kill you.
Turn 3: Go pay Mar.
Turn 4: Jump on the rails, as it explain on the picture, and continue until you pic the box. Use to parachute to go down. If you have enough time, try to go pay Patrick
Turn 5: If you didn't have time on turn 4, go pay Patrick on this turn

Click Here for a Screenshot of where to go

Easter Egg

If none of the booths are damaged then you unlock the Grandpa Speechbank!

Walkthrough by Bucket

Hold Until Relieved

Turn 1: Go on the bridge and firepunch the worm
Turn 2: Use the Jetpack to go on the ship and firepunch or bat the worm
Turn 3: Use another jetpack to go on the base with the machine gun. Punch or bat the worm.
Turn 4: Do a backflip to go on the other base. Just prod the other worm.
All others turn: Survive for 5 turns and don't get killed!

Walkthrough by Bucket

To Boldly Go

Use backflips to get yourself up steeper edges and normal jumps to jump across. At the end, when on the cream coloured object (when about to backflip onto the red object at the end) don't go right to the end or you'll hit the edge of the red object and fall. Instead go to the middle or towards the back of the cream object and do a backflip so that you land on the red object. Then just jump to the crate.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Beautiful Balloon

Turn 1: Teleport onto the big plane.
Turn 2: Commit suicide
Turn 3: Commit suicide
Turn 4: You should have only 1 worm on an enemy plane now. Take a good postiton where you can't be prodded off the plane and start the shootout

Destroy all planes except for the one you are on.

When all planes except the one your worm is standing on are destroyed, place a girder a little above the plane. Next turn jump on the girder and blow up the last plane. Mission completed, you have gold

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

A Good Night's Sleep

You must send sheep over ALL the fences 3 times in a row.
Collect the crates as quickly as possible by jumping/backflipping a lot. If the wind is gentle then it is a good idea to try and parachute back to the circle with the sheep so long as you are on higher ground. Stand on one of the circles, select the sheep and go into 1st person mode. Make sure that from that angle you are looking straight across at the fences or else the sheep will go off the edge of the bridge. Then release him.

Note: If you didn't use the parachute on a go then instead use the secondary fire button or you can just jump, open the parachute and quickly release it instead.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Beefcake Breakfast Brawl

Turn 1: Activate low gravity, jump on the top shelf, jump on the roof support beam and jump out of the window. Find a good position on the roof and skip go
Turn 2: Activate low gravity and jump into the little shelf with the big bottle and collect the crate with the zook. Now, try to shoot the enemy off the chair. It doesn't really matter if you don't.
Turn 3: Crawl down to the window and shoot down the worm sitting on the support beam. Position yourself on top of the roof.

Now all you need to do is wait for the water to rise. You can do anything with the worm in the kitchen, but the one on the roof must always be out of the enemy's sight/reach.
Mission completed, gold awarded

Easter Egg

On the roof there is a utility crate. Collect it as this unlocks the Bridge Kit utility!

Walkthrough by xXSpIDerXx

Costa Del Danger

1: Jump to the left to set off the mine
2: Set off the mine on the diving board (be careful not to fall off!)
3: Do a 180 degree turn from where you are and set the one off on the beach
4: Turn left and set off the mine down there
5: Go back. You will see 2 parasols (umbrellas). Jump on the furthest one. Then do a backflip onto the thing on the hotel and backflip again (there is a mine on the ledge above it)
6: walk off the thing. Then go onto the thing on the building to your left but this time the mine is actually on that thing above the front door. Set it off.
7: Turn left onto the beach and set off that mine
8: Go onto the building on your left and backflip onto the thing above the door and then backflip and hit the ledge above (you dont need to go on - just so close that you set off the mine)
9: Set off the mine on the beach
10: Go to the last building and do the same as you did for 8. Once this mine has set off it should say you have 5 more to get. If not, you've missed one out!
11: Go around the back of the 2nd building you went on (when facing the front of the building go around the left side), there are some pipes. There is a little plant on the ground. Walk just ahead of it, face the camera and backflip. If you fell off then go further away from the plant, towards the pipe. If you backflipped and you are nearly off the back of the pipe then walk forward on the pipe, face away from the camera and backflip. Do this all the way up. Then set off the mine at the top of the building.
12: Go left along the rope (Don't forget there's a mine going off behind you!) Be careful. Set off the mine on that building. Then go back to the first building you set a mine off on. From where you are, go straight on, along the rope to the hotel and set the mine off there.
13: Walk back onto the first building again. Then go along the other rope you haven't been along. Be very careful, there is a mine on the rope!
14: Carry on to the last building and set off the mine on there.

If done quickly you should've earned yourself a gold medal!

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Ragnarok And Roll

1: Get the utility by you and jump slong the magical looking path collecting the crate on the way. Collet the crate in front of you when you get to the island and go left. Collect the crate in front of you. Shoot Sven once with the shotgun, go around towards Erik. Go to the corner to the right of him and move about 1 worm distance from it and shoot Erik. He should land on the mine and die. Move into the corner.
2: Shoot Sven with your shotgun again. Go back to where you killed Erik and follow the arrow, jumping over. Shoot the next guy off (if he doesn't die set the mine off but try not to get hurt too much by the mine)
3: Collect the parachute and jump over the gap using it so you don't fall. Collect the crates being careful not to set any of the mines off. Prod the one who is on the right of this island from where you jump onto it off the edge and hide behind the building.
4: Jump over the mines and prod the other guy off the island. Hide behind the tree to the left of you.
5: Jetpack down onto the ship close to the one on the right but so that you can kill the one on the left. Once the one on the left is killed, the one by you, if you are close enough to him will skip his go.
6: Finish the last guy off.

Walkthrough by Star Worms

Alien Juice Suckers

Turn 1: Collect the crate and then, use your rope to kill Huga huga Woooaaahh with a prod.
Turn 2: Use the rope to go on the spaceship where there's 2 worms on it. Kill one of them.
Turn 3: Use the rope to go on the first Electrical Post. Prod the worm.
Turn 4: Teleport you to the other space ship that only has 1 worm on it.
Turn 5: Collect the crate on the spaceship (if you didn't do it on turn 1) and teleport to the 'base' on the other side of the map.
Turn 6: Kill the worm on the spaceship
Turn 7: Try to get to the worm on the island. If you can't, skip go
Turn 8: Kill the worm on the spaceship
Turn 9: Collect the crates and use the jetpack to go to the worm on the island. Firepunch/Bat/Banana Bomb him. Mission accomplished!

Walkthrough by Bucket

07.03.06 16:41
Post #10
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