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Have a look at the map we (Me and Dvious) made for the clan.

24.05.04 19:05
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Whoa awesome... thx a lot psymon and dvious... I guess we never got around to doing maps... I sucked majorly today, think I'll practice up on it... :D


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24.05.04 20:25
Post #2
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: psymon

ill make a prievew in a mo

But you still havnt. It would save alot of time if you did instead of us having to download it and then play it just to get a look.
Good job though guys
24.05.04 20:41
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Well i didn't say u don't do anythin..but i have to say,THAT MAP IS COOL. GREAT JOB GUYS !
BTW..what program do u use to make maps?
24.05.04 20:52
Post #4
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Well, not that I've actually posted (nor finished for that matter) any maps, but I use MS Paint. Fireworks is still huge and complex for me, I'll hafta read the help through a few times before I can use that. Paint always works for me... testin' my prototypes anyway.


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24.05.04 23:36
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WA Clan: DMT i guess
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Heres a DMT shoppa map i made


Drag it!
25.05.04 01:41
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WA Clan: DMT i guess
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y does it say "non-existant"?:?:?


Drag it!
25.05.04 01:42
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It's better to edit your post then double post R. And that link doesn't work for me.

25.05.04 02:29
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We/I use Firworks MX to make maps/Everything arty related.

25.05.04 16:08
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Hmm..ok i'll see if i can get that program.
25.05.04 17:52
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An image!

A preview, but I can't seem to edit the file to put
in the preview. Meh

25.05.04 18:46
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Just as a question of curiosity, how long did it take you to "master" Fireworks? Like you could use it as naturally as oh, say, Paint or something?


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25.05.04 19:45
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[G]the candy man
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Its not hard to use really. The functions are pretty straight forward. It gets complicated when you try doing more complexed things. I learned to use it by getting PNG's of already made nameplates and seeng how they were made.
You should really get a copy of Adobe Photoshop, its much easyer. And there is a great website to help you make different effects and stuuf.
25.05.04 21:02
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Thx candy Man... does Adobe Photoshop have a whole buncha shiny awesome stuff to put in that you can't get in Fireworks? Or is it just easier? Thx for the link, BTW...


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25.05.04 22:45
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Wow, what a nicley shaped shopper. The lines are all the same angle.

25.05.04 23:34
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