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who cares???

anyways, yes, a new suggestion in the t17forums.. HAVE PASSWORDS that friggen secure something! I could just go on there as Bloopy if i wanted to and have the thing to change my flag..(of course i would never do such a thing..)
29.05.04 23:03
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Ah, i'd love it if they had passwords on worms.

Quoted :: Docta_Shade

I think this should be posted in the T17 forum asking them for sign ups on worms again, coz i hav been mimicked (spelt wrong i know) before and i thinks it childish and stupid... If there was signups this would all stop.

O and btw why has C1's rating dropped so much?

Read the thread in titled "WTF is with my rating"
30.05.04 16:25
Post #32
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Well, the passwords have been rehashed over and over again on the T17 forums, and it all boils down to this. Deadcode doesn't have the server code for Wormnet, so he can't implement secure logins yet.
30.05.04 16:31
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Seems abdboy has spotted another imposter.
Read about it here
01.06.04 20:26
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