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Poll: what is the best n64 game?
Perfect Dark 3 users
Conkers Bad Fur Day 6 users
MarioKart64 1 users
Goldeneye 007 2 users
Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2 users
Zelda: Majora's Mask 1 users
Donkey Kong 64 1 users
Super Mario 64 3 users
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what is the best nintendo 64 game out there?
my personal fav. is perfect dark
19.05.04 15:15
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My favorite is Conker's Bad Fur Day. Both Perfect Dark and GoldenEye come second to that.

19.05.04 15:21
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donky kong 64! i rule at it:D
i can complete it in just over a day:D:D:D

19.05.04 15:25
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It's not completion time :P It's how much you enjoy it.

My personal favourite is CBFD too. The teddiz and squirrels are a great combination. Full of spoofs, mature comedy, funny mini-games and idiotic cut-scenes and characters makes the game a must.

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19.05.04 15:52
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actually, it is:P
it ses how long u have been playing 4 in all rare ware games:D
i collected all 201 golden nanas and all 40 blue prints and can complete the challange at the end with greate ease, and fun:D(it wasnt easy the 1st time round)
and same with the fight with k. rool

19.05.04 16:00
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I never really played on the N64 (Never had one) but I liked the Mario party games.

19.05.04 16:05
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

my fav is Goldeneye, cos it worked really well, especially multiplayer
then it's Conker's BFD, then Zelda: OoT

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19.05.04 17:17
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I've beaten CBFD so many times, that game is #1 in multiplayer.

19.05.04 17:49
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im going to buy it, cbfd has multiplayer????
19.05.04 17:55
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Yeah, but gl trying to find a copy in the retail shops.

My local GAME has a minimal amount of N64 games on sale now...

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19.05.04 18:01
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ebgames and gamestop both have cbfd in stock, although they are american based companies
19.05.04 18:06
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I haven't played many N64 games, but I voted SM64. MK64 is on a second place.
19.05.04 18:37
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Super Smash Bros. Was good too.

19.05.04 19:59
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I gotta say Perfect Dark or Golden eye. Tho, those are like the only few i've played. Except for sum mario games. And mario is better 2d.
19.05.04 20:16
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

definitely, it was like one of the best multiplayer games!

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19.05.04 20:17
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