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any1 know who was in charge of networms before it went out and wat his email or sn is?
19.05.04 00:43
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who is "networms?"
19.05.04 00:47
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do u mean wormnet?
19.05.04 00:55
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i think he means a user.....
19.05.04 01:10
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I wonder if he's talking about a site...

Edit: Yes indeedy, enter the name in google and this magically appears in the site list:
He's probably trying to contact the person to get him to bring the site back up...
19.05.04 01:29
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but worms 3d already came out
19.05.04 01:37
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That's the idea. The person who runs the site hasn't come back to update it. Thus the search for him.
19.05.04 01:44
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The person in charge of networms was crescens, his msn messenger is
Dunno the last time I saw him online, but then I'm a forgetful person :)


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.05.04 04:50
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Yeah, i wanted to see the site restarted. It was a pretty good site.
19.05.04 20:12
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Ohhh, he is also a user... just saw that
20.05.04 01:23
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I'm pretty sure it isn't her...

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.05.04 14:40
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thats not, networm is melissa.
20.05.04 14:42
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I don't like it how people just made sites for the competition and then just left them to die even if they won. It just spoils the competition.

20.05.04 20:56
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Quoted :: Star Worms

I don't like it how people just made sites for the competition and then just left them to die even if they won. It just spoils the competition.

Well, networms existed before the competitions, and then it died because of the lack of updating for W:A. Then there was W3D, followed by rumors of the next beta patch, and for awhile there was a message saying they would come back as soon as possible. Now it's the message you see when you click on the link.
21.05.04 01:10
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Quoted :: Star Worms

I don't like it how people just made sites for the competition and then just left them to die even if they won. It just spoils the competition.

He's talking about me, except I never won :x

21.05.04 02:06
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