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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well i'm quite confused about the whole emulator-ROMS thingy
also i downloaded a couple of emus and ROMs for Metal slug
which is a very old arcade game, any way, when i try and play it it says i need the artwork or something so i was wondering if anybody knows what to do and all that?:?

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15.05.04 09:12
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The Good Die Young
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Add me to msn i've got the metal slug emulator and a few others for snes, sega, gba, and n64 so i know quite a bit. :lol:


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15.05.04 09:45
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I have a question, Is it possible to link play GBA emus? I'm using Visual Boy advance. Cause I want to play The four swords but no one to play it with/against.

15.05.04 10:58
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The Good Die Young
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u mean over internet right?... Hmmm im not sure, i know there is a online play feature with Zsnes i think but im not sure how/if it works because ive never tried... That would be cool tho psymon. I will look into it.


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15.05.04 11:00
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i use zsnes, zsnes rules:D and the internet play sucks, dont understand it.
How can i play over a LAN?

15.05.04 11:03
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I know how to get online working For ZsnesW. Contact me on MSN to see if I can get it working.

Zsnesw internet play works with IP connection

15.05.04 11:10
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[G]the candy man
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Were do you download all the emulators from??
15.05.04 11:47
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Not online within the last half an hour to download the emus. For SNES Roms

and for GBA roms

15.05.04 11:51
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It holds loads of Genesis and Snes roms and etc.
15.05.04 14:09
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i have lots of roms and emus
15.05.04 19:27
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

thanks for all this, but i still dont know if it will work

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15.05.04 19:32
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i guess everyone forgot the thing about legal stuff only on btp forums. Ah well, cba to fix them all.

Emulators are fine but please refrain from posting links to ROM sites - besides, fileshares are much better and there's a the odd torrent around.

I got a 297 n64 roms pack via bittorent =D

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15.05.04 23:31
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im not doing anything illegal, because you are aloud downling them if you own the cartriges (rules say)

but i might of dled some illegal ones lol;)
16.05.04 00:06
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Right, I have a question: If I were to get a PS2 emulator, And Put a PS2 game in my DVD drive (Because PS2 games are DVD-roms) Would the Emu be able to play it off the disk?

Edit: Same with PS1 games

16.05.04 07:09
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

that would be odd, but i guess it probably could work, if your lucky
never really thought of that

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16.05.04 08:36
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