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Poll: Which genre would you make Worms into?
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Yeah, and the blood would stain on the terrain like GoldenEye or PerfectDark.

15.05.04 17:59
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Of course! And forget the wussy health meters, there'd be a portrait of your worm that gets bloodier and bloodier like Doom (yeah, yeah, I'm obsessed with Doom i know) when your worm gets hurt. But if you were killed by a grenade, the face would explode. But would it be a trigger-happy blast everyone in sight game, or a stealth game?


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15.05.04 18:16
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I'd have to say that's pretty damn genius. And like when your worm gets a power up or something happens it would go like this.

Low Gravity = Worms wears a glass helmet.
Fast Walk = Worm gets aggressive look.
Laser Sight = Worm has 1 eye open.
Invisibility = Worms face is visible.
EarthQuake = Worms head shakes.
Worm Select = A question mark would be where the worms head is until ur worm is picked.
Freeze = A light blue tint appears.
Drowning = A worm is bubbling from the mouth.

Oh yeah, and for example if a worm had a longbow and he put the hat on you could see the hat on his head that symbolizes health. Something like this could be a patch, not another game. We should make pictures of this.

15.05.04 19:22
Post #18
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Haha yeah that'd be kewl... and for Select Worm... in a Deathmatch or something your whole team except for the one you're currently controlling would be commanded by an AI bot... if we're still talking about a First Person game, that is. OR it could be a First Person and a Third Person game by switching between the two views. Of course, for the portraits, the Worm would have a suspicious alert look on his face when there's nobody around, and a mad face when he's shooting at somebody (:x)


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15.05.04 20:04
Post #19
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rofl, whyd u put racing up there?
16.05.04 01:19
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Haha, I dunno. But hey, there are some racing variations of worms... rope race, boom race, etc. i guess i couldn't think of many other genres. MAYBE Real Time Strategy, like no turns... puzzle's been made in Worms Blast, and that doesn't leave much else...


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16.05.04 02:02
Post #21
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yes.. rpg or rts would be awesom for womrs..
16.05.04 04:27
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Damn guys, you guys need to tell Team17 this.

16.05.04 05:11
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Haha yeah, if they get the e-mail and consider it, we could be FAMOUS! Hahhahaha so long suckers. I'm gettin me a private island :D


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16.05.04 18:29
Post #24
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Not online within the last half an hour not really.. tey prolly throw it inthere junk mail;):P
16.05.04 18:40
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Thanks for the encouragement, MrrLL, you REALLY help us out :roll: lol. And notice that I said "could..." you see that shotgun down there (sig)? I can use that thing so I'd b nice if I were you lol ;)


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16.05.04 19:36
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It maybe a good idea but even if they did put ur name in the credits such as "Original concept by Thnikkaman" Does anyone even bother reading the credits :D Sorry 2 burst ur bubble Thnikk Like I said nice idea
16.05.04 20:36
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Lol yea i know... I sent an e-mail to em, but they probably get like thousands of e-mails a day, so who knows :P Even so, lots of people are gonna be like "Thnikkaman? Who the **** is Thnikkaman??" (other than Bubs with the TH paper on him i mean :D)


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17.05.04 20:44
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Anyways... I made the first picture of the "portrait." It's kinda crappy quality cause I saved it as a .GIF and it made it all pixelated. I blame the pixels. Anyway, this is a worm at 79% health and with a Low Grav helmet. (my 1st worm picture, so be nice :mrgreen: )


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17.05.04 21:26
Post #29
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Must've been fun to make:mrgreen::mrgreen:

18.05.04 01:51
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