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Poll: What do you like LEAST about Wormnet?
people kicking u 1 users
language Barrier 0 users
the usless password required to get into wormnet 0 users
when u cant connect 1 users
lag 5 users
Abstain 2 votes
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WA Clan: DMT i guess
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If we're the Destructive Mayhem Team, we should get out there, team up, and cause mayhem with some destruction!:twisted::twisted:


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10.05.04 02:17
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[G]the candy man
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I put Lag, zzzzzZZZZZZZZ. Pisses me off
10.05.04 08:00
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yep, lag for me. You can usually find ppl on wormnet who will host for you and not kick you. You can just turn off the language barrier. And you could just get yourself a one letter password to get in easily enough... when you can't connect and lag are the main ones to me. But lag still wins because it really screws up the game. If there's a really long lag, one of the players will probably leave... what's BAD is if the host leaves :roll:


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10.05.04 11:47
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WA Clan: DMT i guess
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What i mean by language barrier is the foreign languages people speak, not profanity.


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10.05.04 14:52
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8)i chose LAG but i would really like to vote 4 hosters who lose then QUIT when ppl r still playing :evil:
12.05.04 04:04
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I'd chose "When you can't connect" because I have Cable and I never lag.

12.05.04 04:12
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