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us WG's never liked it very much. We don't hate them as bad as we hate ||RhC|| tho. I hate em... I fuckin do. Although I played with only ONE member from that clan that was actually cool.

25.05.04 23:38
Post #61
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still hard to believe they r a dead clan as well now
26.05.04 17:06
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The ||RhC|| clan? Dead? Are you serious?

29.05.04 20:54
Post #63
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Yes, i think that to, because I havent seen them in like 5 weeks
29.05.04 22:32
Post #64
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i havent seen an active member errrr from the day they began
29.05.04 22:35
Post #65
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Hehe me either... BTW... Rogue must've thought he was wasting his life on Worms, I never see him on WormNet and he hasn't been on here in forever. Or maybe he's just away :D


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30.05.04 12:33
Post #66
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i think taking on glitch could prove to be a mistake now, as he just vanished after that game we all played
31.05.04 17:36
Post #67
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I am still here :D ready to kick worm buttox!
Where the hell are u lot i been on a week and i only seen one other DMT and he was a fake :(
p.s a little birdy told me (xTURxRunTx) that DMT was no more is that true or is he just pulling my p***er?
01.07.04 19:52
Post #68
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well that is a decision to still be made. Too many noobs in our clan.There are only a few that actually deserve to be in DMT (you r 1 of them rogue ;)). I guess i just got carried away with all these members we have :(.So i don't know wether to start a whole new clan..or kick a few members out..or thnikk's suggestion of having training maps. But i have to admit, DMT was good when it first started.
01.07.04 20:47
Post #69
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Hey Megalomaniac
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And perhaps DMT could have a "test" of some kind. a.k.a tryout :P. Such as, a Normal round, a Shoppa round, and a RR round? And if they rank high enough, they can "pass." And if they pass all of 'em, they can be in. Something like that.


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01.07.04 21:20
Post #70
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Good ideas all around just keep me posted :) like u said good clan when it started, HATE to see it die so soon :(
It aint often u get a good bunch of ppl like these in one clan :)
01.07.04 21:37
Post #71
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here here DMT F***ing rocks by far the best members and clan i have been in, dont let it die, I have some ideas up my sleeve if thingeoX will here them out? o yeah i am back now ;)
04.07.04 15:36
Post #72
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ok Dvious lets hear your ideas.Mine was just to retryout all the members,but if u have a better idea then go ahead ;)
04.07.04 15:45
Post #73
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sod retrying them all out, you will never find them all!

1) change the clan name--> so as to say your a new clan

2) find new members--> that maybe more willing to join a clan

3)or we can do a system where as members are by invite onlythat way we know who is coming and who is going
04.07.04 22:07
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