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Poll: Who is your favorite BTP Radio DJ?
ReadMe 2 users
The Pope 7 users
knifa 1 users
SPAZ 2 users
HarrY 2 users
DoctaShade 2 users
routine_error 7 users
ZoGgEr! 0 users
Abstain 1 votes
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Quoted :: The Pope

Speaking of bananas...

b4 i even click that i bet thats the banana phone or w/e. Saw it in the big list long time ago..
12.05.04 01:18
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Banana Phone, what a weird ass flash cartoon. But funny... Sort of...

12.05.04 02:06
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Quoted :: tundraH

Spaz: "Let's play some Tetris mother fuckers".
*hums tetris them tune*

It was so random.


2. Wow, abstain is sure popular out of all the DJ's ;D

14.05.04 05:19
Post #93
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i dont think there should be an abstain option.
14.05.04 10:14
Post #94
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i dont like abstain either, i believe in yes or no. Like if someone came up to u and said are you a communist, u are going to say yes or no, not abstain.
14.05.04 10:20
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Exactly Skate, or if someone asked you if you were a boy or a girl.

14.05.04 15:42
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And the most annoying thing is that the poll maker can't vote.
15.05.04 14:36
Post #97
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but the poll creator is asking 4 the opinions

15.05.04 15:10
Post #98
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

it is pointless to poll maker vote
no sence
15.05.04 15:33
Post #99
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In some cases it's necessary. In this poll it wouldn't harm if the poll maker could vote.
15.05.04 16:40
Post #100
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Defiantely Dr.
I hate Rock!:twisted:
15.05.04 17:00
Post #101
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Docta was one of the worst. And who hates rock :P It's one of the best kinds of music..
15.05.04 17:08
Post #102
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It doesn't matter if the poll maker votes if he tells you his opinion.

15.05.04 17:21
Post #103
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I've only heard Pope, Knifa, SPAZ and HarrY. Pope was the only one I really listened too

Edit: No one has been on in ages. I miss it.

15.05.04 17:24
Post #104
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Quoted :: C1

Docta was one of the worst. And who hates rock :P It's one of the best kinds of music..

Who wouldn't hate rock? It's the worst type of music. EVAR

15.05.04 17:28
Post #105
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