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I have 2 problems with wwp.

First When i host games people cant join them...i could host awhile ago

number 2 Recentley my game has been crashing to my desktop It does it when i play 1 round then i can either go back to the main menu to change stuff But when i try togo into another game or another round it loads up but quits b4 it starts HELP THERE BOTH DRIVEIN ME INSANE:evil:
29.04.04 10:22
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1) Did you recently install/update a firewall/router. That may cause a problem. Also, there have been recent problems with hosting on WN2 anyway, so it could just be that.

2) Nothing you can do about that. It's the infamous exploding cake bug, and it occurs at random (usually).
29.04.04 18:55
Post #2
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Hey wwpipe fixed my problem wnet 2 connecter I CAN HOST NOW AND WWP HAS NOT BEEN CRASHING!:D:D:D
04.05.04 15:29
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i heard wwpipe is a really gay program and it edits rankings. :|
04.05.04 21:36
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wwpipe never crashed my game. Even though the program probably never functioned for me.

04.05.04 23:28
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Quoted :: MrrLL

i heard wwpipe is a really gay program and it edits rankings. :|

But you don't actually have to use it to edit ranking, flags, etc. It also has a nice little IP override that for some reason WWP doesn't have, although I'm not sure if it actually works...
04.05.04 23:49
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[G]the candy man
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i used to have the leetf*ck thing, that was good, got rid of it though.

Anyway, what ever happend to rankings?
What did they do, i never played i when rankings were enabled
05.05.04 15:06
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To many people were useing programs like leetf*ck, it made the rankings useless.
05.05.04 16:43
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leetfuck doesnt work nemore, it says 2 go 2 this random site that doesnt work:S

05.05.04 17:49
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leetf*ck never worked for me. I clicked to connect but the page never loaded. Worthless piece of software if you ask me.

05.05.04 18:36
Post #10
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thats why wwpipe worked so much better..

I couldnt get leetf**k to work but the wwwpipe worked no problem.

I still cant host though.
07.05.04 10:54
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maybe a lil bit offtopic, but:

i had random problems with hosting games on wnet2, then, sicne i've got wwpipe, i have no problems with hosting.

1stly, with wwpipe i couldnt host. but then i found a tricky way how to host always with wwpipe. i start it 1st time, click start, then close(not minimize!). then i start it again, for 2nd time, check all options, then click start and close. then i start it 3rd time, UNcheck all options, click start, and MINIMIZE. i can host with no problems. maybe it's overrider, i dunno.

and leetf*ck stopped working for me since i accidentally reinstalled w:a. ;(

07.05.04 13:34
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[G]the candy man
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How does that work??
LeetF*ck stoped workin for me when i reinstalled wwp. Stupid shit
07.05.04 19:38
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maybe you got a diff version
07.05.04 21:28
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