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Name: Seph Maelstrom
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Weapon:Lung-Zhu Energy Gauntlets
Armor: Lung-Zhu Uniform (magic cloak)
Job: Magic Fighter/Mage (priest but offencive magic)
Description: can fight with mighty power and cast deadly magic. can apply ancestrial magic on others.
Bio: Born in the Lung-Zhu tribe. he was banished because of his demonic eyes, which obliterates a large radius. everthing implode, expllode, sends shockwaves and is destroyed. wears a jacket with 2 Yin-yan symbols to cool his abnormal energy. wears a special sunglasses to enclose his demon eyes from destruction.
Skill: 1)demon eyes: very powerful; obliterate almost everything. very painful for Seph to use.
2) ancestor's blow: Seph punches the ground with magical force; makes a crater and fissures...very tiresome to use
3)Lung-Zhu: the ancient Lung-Zhu martial arts. Very powerful and effective
4)Soul Shield: uses the Souls of the Lung-Zhu ancestors to block any attack. costs a lot of mna to cast.
5)Lung-Zhu's Inferno: like a DBZ energy ball but a shape of a dragon. it can be controlled only by Seph's eyes.

Why Seph is interested at joining the civil war: to show the elders that he is kind hearted and have done courages and righteous deeds; wants to be un-banished
27.05.04 04:06
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Nice character.

28.05.04 04:25
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okay, here is a list on who has to work on their characters (sorry for double posting).

the candy man: You need a description (what your guy looks like)

[]HarrY: Eden's bio is his description! And he doesn't really have a bio.

duke: Your bio is also your description. And you also don't have much of a bio. Your skills section also needs to be fixed, those are not skills, they are "talents" you can put them in your bio. The only skill you have is that DBZ one, but it isn't named and you never said what job it was for.

[]MrrLL: You pretty much did what Duke did. You also forgot the age. That's why I've been calling you UDAAG.

And we can't forget the powerplayer biofusion. Scince I won't have to waste my time on him because he's banned. I won't waste my time.

And it looks like so far Fuzz, SPAZ (amazing :P) and I did the right thing so far.

And everyone who isn't RPing because they aren't part of the Hershey, Duncan, Eden group:

Go somewhere else! You can continue your own plot somewhere else, it isn't hard.

16.06.04 00:38
Post #33
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Wow, i'm doing it right :D

I think the guys who came, we told em ta bugger off from the Duncan, EdeN, Hershey group can still do the rp, just not in that gang of 3 okay..? they just came for a post or 2 and left it.
16.06.04 20:53
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i'm no good at these bio thingies.....i don't know what to 2 put, ill edit it when i think of something...

16.06.04 21:32
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Well, in the RP Eden is a danger to the public. You can put that in your bio without revealing why.

16.06.04 21:34
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Acrap spelr
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bio minagun was the owner of a pub who heard the rumors he did not believe them until he saw a wanted poster with his friends face on it he began training as a gunmage

weapon minigun with elemental crystals embeded on

age 25

job gunmage shooter who knows magic

armor mythril chain mail


1 elamenta bullet enchants bullets

2 slow vision makes minagun see in slow-mo

3 ultima minigun enchants minaguns minigun with every possible spell

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04.07.04 04:33
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