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Not many missions ever get submitted, so who ever sends me the best mission wins 1000$. It's that simple. Please send your missions to

21.04.04 21:35
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

where do you get £5000?
22.04.04 14:51
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Selling Fort Zippy...

22.04.04 17:00
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i sold stone henge 4 6270!(it cost 6600)
and i bought it b4 the money reset!(i got money from poker then)

22.04.04 19:04
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I really hope I get ur guys missions if u made any!

22.04.04 20:58
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who the heck bought it from you? lol
22.04.04 23:14
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[]The Pope
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You sell houses back to the estate agent that has an infinite amount of money to bargain with ;)

Actually they buy it back 95% for what you bought it for.

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.04.04 06:50
Post #7
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i think zog should elimite the original pixelville. IT would stabalize money and also save some space.
23.04.04 08:41
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But then we would have PixVille 2, and no Pixville 1:?
23.04.04 09:02
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[G]the candy man
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i think there should be an airport in both villages conecting them both, and if you click on the airport it links you to the other village :)
23.04.04 09:13
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i think the exhisting tennant scheme wouldnt even work with pixelville 2.

IMO ( as all my posts normally are ) pixelville one is a waste of space now.
23.04.04 09:33
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It is, you could just make 3D versions of Pixville1 houses now.

23.04.04 13:17
Post #12
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SPAZ made the pig + pixel :) .
23.04.04 16:54
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[]The Pope
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The pv2 version that is...

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.04.04 16:56
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Yes.. I mean he made the PixVille1 version (made by you Pope??) into Pixville2.
23.04.04 17:29
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