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To people who are new to this:

You take a Final Fantasy character and Roleplay them. The setting is in a furnished mantion (sp?) with 50 rooms, a kitchen, one of those rooms with a huge ass screen TV with a DVD player, another room with a huge ass screen TV, but with a PS2, yet another room with a huge ass screen TV, with a GameCube (and there is another one with an XBOX), A computer lab (you know, a room full of computers), tennis courts, a huge ass lawn and a swimming pool. You have to serve yourself, scince there probably is no people who are going to be a girl (;_; no Rikku :().

That's it.


*Walks in the mantion with a huge ass sword*
*Goes up the stairs and takes the room at the very end*

19.04.04 22:04
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Glenn (streaching here with CT, but go with it).

*Walks in the mansion*
*Walks to Cloud's room*
*Knocks on Cloud's door*

*Cloud opens door*

*Shows Cloud HIS big-ass Masamune*
*Walks away and takes the a room next door (which happenes to have a SNES, PS1, and a medium sized TV)*
20.04.04 01:09
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*Auron plonks himself down in his room, and watches teh TV*
*And then chops the training dummy into a load of bits*

20.04.04 15:30
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*Hears Auron in the room next to Glenn's*
*Get's out of own room and knocks on Aurons door*

21.04.04 00:49
Post #4
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*walks in with huge cat claws and scares everybody else*
*picks the room with all teh tools and junk*
*starts upgrading claws (again)*
*sticks notice on door*
Do Not Disturb
23.04.04 15:36
Post #5
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Acrap spelr
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*walks into house breaks into aurons room then steals tv couch and remains of training dummy*

*sells stuff on ebay*:twisted:

*buys all nintendo systems*

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30.06.04 21:42
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I hate you for reviving A thread but at least I sort of wanted this revived :|.

*Glenn takes his BTP money, locks his room, and leaves the mansion*
*He goes to Konami headquarters*
*He bribes the people there into letting him take a DDR 9th mix machine (and it didn't even take any money, just flashing the Masamune to them :twisted: )*
*He gets back to the mansion, and sits down to figure out how he's going to fit the machine through the doors*
30.06.04 22:16
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Funnily enough i wanted it revived to.

*goes out room and walks to dinning hall*
*see's a machine standing beside the front door and walks over to it*
*kicks it and then slices it*
*walks back inside and sits next to glenn*
02.07.04 17:35
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Tonberry King couldn't fit in anyrooms so he picked the 5th giant lving room as his room (srry folks).

His giant hand is too big for the door knob so he took his tiny knife and..*doink* the door gets 9999 damage.

Tonberry made himself happy as he doinks the remote control and gazes happily at his ginormous tv.
03.07.04 04:49
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*Everyone feels a huge shudder and runs to the window to see Jecht riding a shoopuf*
*"ill just park it here"*
*Shoopuf smashes the Maclareb F1 parked in its way*
03.07.04 09:04
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*Devoe walks over to the tonberrys room*
*presses the romote*
*then breaks the t.v in half*

Devoe: Nothing goods even on...

*walks back over to glenn and sits back down*
03.07.04 12:01
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*calls edgar*

Egar:oh i have to fix this ddr thing why.

Locke:because if not ill summon bahumaunt.

*Edgar fixes DDR and runs into room by kitchen*

Locke:well edgars a moron tell me when you get that in

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04.07.04 02:17
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Well, since Tonberry King destroyed the door, I guess I'll take it in that way.
*Drags the machine around the house*
*Drags it through living room #5*
*Drags it into living room #1 (which for some reason is missing the TV set anyway)*
*Sits down and starts working on installing the expansion chips*
We'll have DDR Mixes 1-9 going in no time.
05.07.04 02:35
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*sees glenn working on ddr helps out glenn by installing a cd/dvd drive and a tv that shows music videos* :twisted:

*gets hi-score of 9999999999999999999999 points by using his mirager limit break to move super fast* "beat that suckers":twisted:

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05.07.04 05:21
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*Devoe gets up and walks trough some of the hallways then finds a nice piller and leans against it*

Everyone seemed to give him funny looks

*Devoe walks outta the house and into the garden maze, carrying with him a bunch of screws and tools*
05.07.04 14:35
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