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I was taking a look at the files for the U.S. PS2 version and noticed some commands I haven't seen before...

/1337 - add auto-homing to all weapons. for cheat "leet" players

/XRAY - see through land

/2DMODE - activate 2D subgame

/LUCKYLANDINGS - Enable lucky landings

/HAXXOR - disable hack checks

/WORMS4 - enables Worms4 preview

Anyone have further info?
21.03.04 17:20
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How do you know that they do that stuff? Have you tested it? I though that /1337 turned all worms upside-down, at least it does at the Europe PC version. I hope that those things work on that version.
21.03.04 19:21
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The descriptions are taken from the PS2 executable. Obiously, there is no way to test them unless you have a modded PS2 console. I currently do not. :cry:
21.03.04 20:03
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The poxels CANNOT be made transparent or semi transparent. That is false. The engine CANNOT support it. Somehow I think you made almost all of those up:roll:....

21.03.04 22:15
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What purpose would there be in making them up? Whether they work or not, I don't know. If you take the U.S. version PS2 disc and put it in your PC, load the executable (SLUS_208.94) into WinHex and scroll toward the end of the file, you'll see all the switches and their descriptions.
21.03.04 22:45
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I don't know what your purpose in making it up is. As I have said the engine isn't capable of transparent/semi transparent poxels. You won't get a preview of Worms 4 either. You don't even know what it is. There is not a 2D subgame - Why include a crappy Worms 2 look-alike with Worms 3D? And /1337 does not do that. Wherever you got this info from that website has got it all wrong mate.

21.03.04 23:02
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How about you stop being such a wimp and post this on the Team17 forum: . Then you can say this is the way it is. Otherwise, I agree that you have just made this up.
22.03.04 02:39
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I have posted there, with the same sort of response. I guess I should have known better. I'd offer to post screenshots from WinHex or even the executable itself but you'd all probably accuse me of forging that as well. I never said any of these commands actually worked. For all I know, they could be a joke perpetrated by the coders to fuck with people who try to hack the game. All I know is that they are, indeed, listed in the exectuable of the U.S. PS2 version of Worms 3D. If someone else has that version, take a look for youself and tell me what you see . Otherwise, don't be so quick to call me a liar. :evil:
22.03.04 05:02
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I would look if I had the game, but I don't. I believe you, by the way. I won't be losing anything if you're lying anyway.
22.03.04 05:14
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luther ( mod on tema17 ) has said that these are there, but he wont say what the did or do
22.03.04 14:04
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He might be true, but it seems strange that the /1337 command would do different things in different versions. I don't doubt that he has found them in the exe, but I doubt they work.

Edit: This is my 800th post!
22.03.04 14:12
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Last edited: 22.03.04 14:12 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The descriptions I listed are taken directly from the executable. I have made up none of this. From what Luthor posted over at the Team 17 forums, I'm guessing that they are not "commands" like I originally thought. Who knows what they are. All I know for sure is that they are there, just as I posted. The questions that need answering are...

1. If they're not commands, what are they?
2. Do they do what they say they do?
3. If so, is there any way to use them?

Again, these are listed in the U.S. PS2 version of the game. If you have it, take a look at the SLUS_208.94 file in WinHex or any other hex editor and see for youself. Unless you've done that, there's absolutely no reason for you to call me a liar or accuse me of anything. The only reason I posted was to find out the answers to the questions above.
22.03.04 20:11
Post #12
Last edited: 22.03.04 20:12 (xiaNaix - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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1) They probably ARE commands, you just can't use them (for some odd reason...)
2) Since you havn't figured out a way to use them, then who knows. I'd say the see through terrain is definately out, and I'm doubting the 2D worms game is there either. Everything else is fair game.
3) See #1.

Sorry about the above post, I was just pissed off at the time, saw this thread, and decided to throw my abuse at something that seemed *somewhat* questionable.
22.03.04 22:41
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That's probably right but, still, why are they even there then? It's that "odd reason" I'm wondering about. ;)
23.03.04 10:49
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Hmm... maybe they just put it there as a joke so people that try to look at the game on the computer find cheats would see them and wonder, "How do you DO that?" Then again, maybe not...

As far as Worms 4 goes (has any information been given on that anyway), it IS the North American version, so it COULD have the preview on it (since it's 6 months patched up compared to the UK version). I doubt it though...
23.03.04 22:46
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