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ok i just got the bit monkey thing but i don't kno wut my wwp directory is please tell me how to get there and wut it is
20.03.04 09:01
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sigh, your in the wrong forum...
it is C:\team17\worms worms party
20.03.04 09:13
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Or 'C' being the where you place the drive letter it's installed on.

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.03.04 09:23
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everyone knows that:roll:
20.03.04 09:28
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i tried that didn't work
20.03.04 09:51
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You must've placed the wrong one in then. You place the actual bit monkey which was in the zip into that file, not a shortcut to it.

20.03.04 10:04
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What a great thread name, by the way. Kinda n00bish.:roll:
20.03.04 14:42
Post #7
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post: What is an egg??

heh..guess your right!
20.03.04 18:01
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LOL!:lol: Sorry for spamming, but I just had to point out that that was fun.
20.03.04 18:11
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If you can't find the directory, you can use your computer's "Search" to find it (It should be in the start menu). Better yet, if you have a shortcut for WWP, you can right click on that, choose properties, and it will tell you exactly where the executable is.
20.03.04 18:47
Post #10
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i have the best advice.

Kill yourself. BIT monkey wont work becoz you deserve to die.

Can i ask a serious question? I will. You managed to fin your way to getting the actual prog. this indidcattes you have some knoledge of how you download a file. Presuming there are insyruction included. Or there are form wehere you downloaded the bit money. Surely you know what to do with it. Otherwise why would you get it.

Now i wonder why you dont know what it means. when it wants to go in the wwp folder?

Are you only 12? with a disability. I could understand the problem if you had to train your monkey to do it for you....

plz note. Ill probs change this tomoro, perhaps to something more useful. But probs not. :D
20.03.04 20:49
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:lol: dude, i think you dont need it, as you suck, thus your maps will some ;D
22.03.04 21:32
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