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Well btp got boring for me so i wanted to do sumthign with my time here. And since i see 90% of btp hates me w/e.
16.03.04 19:11
Post #16
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Sorry for double posting but this seemed important to post in a new post. I'm sorry for being big headed but I just felt proud of getting such nice stats. I hope you all can forgive me. As for the submiting of other peoples files, I like herm and strat so i wanted to submit them. And i did submit most of my maps if u look. (or at least my nicest ones)
16.03.04 20:17
Post #17
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GG mate
16.03.04 20:47
Post #18
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wow really need to is cool that he got cool stats.....
16.03.04 21:27
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sweet, i'm 3rd on there!

17.03.04 01:55
Post #20
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Well, I am a firm believer that there is a video game quote for every situation imaginable. In fact, I found three for this one (they're all in my sig script):

First the two negative ones:
"Just when you thought he was smart, he'd go off and do some damned fool thing." - Cid
"I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it." - Vincent

And now the (somewhat) positive one:
"Doesn't this just beat all?" - Rei

And now, with that said, I will give you £20 if you can beat my poker score (that's the offer I've given to the first one to do it). Also, I've noticed you havn't gotten the top score on Pixel Flyer or Ghost Gunner ;).
17.03.04 02:37
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"I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it." - Vincent

This is my opinion all the time about everything I didn't do :D
17.03.04 05:25
Post #22
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