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Ever since i started playing worms my flags been set as american even tho im english, I was told it had something to do with the time settings but they are set to english time (GMT) so im confused. im using worms world party btw.
10.03.04 16:29
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

one word:

10.03.04 16:33
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's not to do with wwp i think i have the same thing.
10.03.04 16:33
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i was changing flags with WWPIPE
10.03.04 16:35
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not the flag that u get next to ur health bar in the game, the international wormnet flags u get next to ur name in the lobby thing
10.03.04 18:00
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WWPIPE does that. I don't think leetf*ck does though.
10.03.04 18:16
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It's probably your Regional Settings. Go into your control panel, and click on the Regional Settings icon. Make sure the region it lists is the same as the region your in. Once that's done, it should work fine. Also, if you haven't already, make sure your time zone is set for where you are as well ;).
10.03.04 22:26
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windows defauls to a US local with american english language settings, swap these to english like glenn sed and ytou should be fine.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
10.03.04 22:30
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Yeah u people and ur damn proggies. Go to Control panel like glenn said.
11.03.04 22:45
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While I'm thinking about it, what's with this insane obsession with flame bars? I mean, their not special anymore, since anyone can have them. So why do people bother to use leetf*ck and wwpipe, just to have flaming bars. Doesn't make much sense to me...
12.03.04 01:54
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Because they want to be 1337...:P
13.03.04 11:13
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

flaming bars are cool
especialy too n00bs(oups, newbs)
13.03.04 16:07
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It would be better if they coded it so what ever colour team you are in game , thats what the flame bar would be.

13.03.04 16:57
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But is it really 1337? No, because now anyone that wants it can have it. And also, why does the bar look like a lava lamp. I can go to the mall and see a lava lamp. When they finally make it look like a 'flame bar', then maybe I'll get one...
13.03.04 19:21
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I tried it but I couldn't connect to WormNet with it so I didn't use it.

13.03.04 20:43
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