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yeah it isn't bad.....

new one.....

An image!
16.03.04 02:21
Post #46
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Quoted :: igotworms

dude......squiz....wat is your problem? lol....if you only knew how i made my sigs.....bryce sigs can take hours to render!

What makes me mad is not the fact that you can't photoshop or anything, but the fact that you consider yourself "good" and that you have "skills" that others don't.

16.03.04 03:43
Post #47
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dude.....wat the? you know wat.....i don't can think wat you want....
16.03.04 03:49
Post #48
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I don't like the blurry font of igotworms last one, other than that it's nice.:)
16.03.04 06:43
Post #49
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: igotworms

dude.....wat the? you know wat.....i don't can think wat you want....

You asked why, and I just explained it.
God, how arrogant can you get.

16.03.04 07:20
Post #50
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hmm.....i don't mean to be arrogant.....i'm sry.....
16.03.04 14:39
Post #51
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Can't you stop that discussion? Talk about the sigs instead.
16.03.04 16:27
Post #52
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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a new thread is much needed, we are in weeek 3 now
can a mod plz lock this?

16.03.04 16:41
Post #53
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yep i'll lock it.
16.03.04 19:27
Post #54
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