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Im one of these ppl who cant be bothered with virtual money. So ill give a chance for you guys to win it, if ya want:roll:
Just give me the best excuse for wanting my money and ill donate all of what I have to you. Ill reply as sson as possible so if anyones interested...get typing...NOW!
08.03.04 21:10
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If you give me the money, i promise not to rape you. If you dont, i will come to your house and throw a brick at your window, then go get it back. I mean, come on! MY BRICK! I need it!
08.03.04 22:15
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TWENTY FIVE POUND STERLING ANYBODY? Meh, who needs it, like you said it's virtual money.

BUT I would still like it. Give it me now please and i will be your slave for .100000 days
08.03.04 23:29
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You should give it to me, because I have not only the Frog on my side, but Sephiroth as well :twisted:8).
09.03.04 01:31
Post #4
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Can i have it plz? i just joined and i only have like 10... i would really like some start out money..

09.03.04 02:59
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I could get that much money from submiting like 10 files..
09.03.04 04:18
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i will give all my money to everyone who want
just say
i dont need this right now
09.03.04 17:23
Post #7
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I want your money because... I won't [censored] if you give it to me.
09.03.04 18:42
Post #8
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: C1

I could get that much money from submiting like 10 files..
Yeah well it was about 50 pounds but last time i checked...not that it makes a difference. ill try and make a bit more money, in the mean time keep writing if you want it:P
09.03.04 19:31
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I have 2800 pounds :P
09.03.04 21:26
Post #10
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lol i got like 500....but you could give it to me if you want :)
10.03.04 03:38
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i had round 500
but i donated to MrrLL
newbs want money
10.03.04 15:59
Post #12
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah. Back when I was a newb (not a n00b), I cared about money and stuff. And I also used many other things on the site, like Ask The Blamer and Poker, but almost never the forum. Now it's vice versa.
10.03.04 18:29
Post #13
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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thx archa.. i voted u up one.. i guess i sounded like a newb ^^.. but im not really..
10.03.04 20:52
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Actually, people would care about money if u could do stuff with it and admins wouldnt give people free houses.
10.03.04 22:17
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