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Okay, meh first thread of the RPG Forum.


The story is, whoever is playing, is a hacker-type-matrix-type-guy, we have hacked many computers searching for the "secret". a FBI plan hardly anyone knows what it is, even if they do they know very little about it. We have to try find this "sercret" by hacking, shooting and sneaking in to places.

( little geeky and possibly a matrix rip-off, lol ;) )
We are outside an FBI agent's house who knows something about the secret. We all have pistols with silencers

Knifa: Well.. erm how do we get in?.. i think we should go in through the roof
18.02.04 21:56
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HarrY quickly replys 2 knifa
"errm, NO they have choppers, thell shoot us down in seconds! i say we go round the back and then in 2 that tunnel, thell never know how we got in!"

19.02.04 13:14
Post #2
Last edited: 19.02.04 13:15 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Knifa: great idea, lets go

*Everyone walks into a huge tunnel with no lights*

Knifa: Crap. Put on nightvision!

19.02.04 19:09
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Blinkah pulls out what he thinks are nightvisiongoggles and switches them on. It turns out they're light amplification goggles, and the tunnel is flooded with blinding white light.

"Oops," he says lamely as he fumbles for the OFF switch.
20.02.04 14:38
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HarrY laughf at blinkah as he frantically looks for his switch
[]HarrY$1gets a small mag light out of his jacket
ok, so thre are quite alot of tunnels we can choose from, which one should we take??

20.02.04 16:31
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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(ooc: how the hell do you do it so your name shows up with the little guy and the link?)

erm... i dont know. flip a coin?
21.02.04 09:40
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/ me knifa without the space

Fuzzball runs left
*others follow*
/me pulls out a ChaosRifle-GX-2
and chases after the copter...

21.02.04 12:16
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You can also use the [user][/user] tags. Just put the user's name in the middle of the two tags to make the little guy and the name as a link appear.
21.02.04 15:58
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or you could just type / me, but with out the space
ok ill flip a coin
tis a heads, lets go thru that tunnel

21.02.04 16:14
Post #9
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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read the other posts they had already gone trough a tunnel.

/me jums on a copter what had been following them all the time and puts a nade trough the window...

/me:don't worry it's only a sleeper...
21.02.04 18:26
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madknifa runs through the left tunnel with everyone exept fuzzball who is going solo apperntly.

Okay, i think we're almost inside now. Just to climb up this ladder
21.02.04 18:50
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Fuzzball meets them at the ladder.. urm yo they both go this way....

anyways they went up the ladder..

Fuzzball: fuck! Big mistake
*robot warlord guy carrys them away...*
21.02.04 19:31
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Acrap spelr
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*minagun comes out of toilet takes off scuba suit*

"stank in the sewers"

*radios to see how the others r doing*nosignal**

"CRAP" *puls out huge fukin mini-gun*

*busts the bath roomdoor down and eventualy finds the others tied-up shoots the robots arm off unties the others uses elameta-minigun on robot element lightning*

*robot dies*

warning the actions of this person if negative are not representitive of btp
05.07.04 01:43
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