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Hello there,

I bought worms only last week and have found that a lot of people playing online have been hiding behind a shield of exclusivity. i must admit that i'm not good at this game yet and as for the lingo, i'm beginning to pick this up. Because of this a lot of players have felt the need to deride me. I was almost beginning to believe that they have all been born with an innate ability to play worms,the terminology was something that they learnt in the early years of schooling and that somehow being a beginner was wrong. I'm sure the cowards whose main achievement in life is the mastery of games, the same ones who feel too cosseted by the membership of an elitist group to try to achieve anything greater such as practising some humility know who they are. To all those people I say give the newbies a chance and if you're not prepared to do that then f**k off. Let me enjoy the game because that's what it should be about above being better than anyone else.

09.02.04 19:20
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Worm Lingo:

That should help and the best thing to do is find someone who isn't n%b hating and show u a few things and etiquete...

Enjoy worms and check out a few proper and rr schemes.

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.02.04 19:25
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And a good way to avoid the boot in a game, is to just simply ask for the rules ahead of time. If you haven't been doing this, then quite frankly, I have no sympathy for you. Also, practice with the rope a lot, because that's what most of the games revolve around.
09.02.04 22:40
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Here's a page on my site that gives the rules and settings of all the popular schemes:

It can suck being a late entry to a gaming community, but find yourself some friends and you will have a good time. Try playing schemes that have no rules - such as MoleShopper, Team17, and WormGolf. And spend more time playing offline, the deathmatches and the crazy crates training are rather helpful.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.02.04 12:02
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Yes, what bloopy said. And once u do very well offline, try online.
11.02.04 00:52
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some of the people on wa can be very mean, when i was a begginer, i made a team called the Dont Boot Me plz

who can boot the dont boot me team? know one :lol:
01.05.04 09:36
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i would prob boot the person who had that team ^^. if you dont want to be booted have a leet (1337) team..
01.05.04 17:44
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It's hard to get into a lot of online games, worms especially. It's full of asswipes who just can't stand noobs for some reason, think they're too high and mighty to be bothered by them or something. Fucking morons. You just have to put up with them or something until you get a hang of the game or something. Just bitch-slap 'em.
01.05.04 17:49
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I see routine has sum inner feelings he wants to releash about his early worming-hood.
01.05.04 19:44
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go routine go! rofl
01.05.04 20:56
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it sucks playing newbies, it's boring to be twenty times better than your opponent since it's no challenge. I mean, do you enjoy playing your friend in a game he has never played? Ofcourse not, certainly not 20 times in a row.

If you want to prevent getting booted i suggest asking people in the game channel to play rather than just joining games and hope that they don't boot you. Also games hosted with a specific player's name are made JUST for that player, so it's not worthwhile joining those either. And a good team name can usually help as well (like 'ropers' or something silly and unoriginal like that), clan tag is even better. And if you want to play the good guys, sign up for a league or play in tournaments.
02.05.04 14:08
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i really hate it when people go "n1" when you screw up. i just tell them to ƒuck off
02.05.04 15:22
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I have no problem with newbs playing my games, as long as they ask the rules and don't complain about it when they get stomped because they havn't developed skills yet. Unfortunately, most newbs do not ask the rules before the game starts. And they bitch about the fact that I (and other players) are sooo much better than them. I remember the good old days (about 4 years ago), where newbs were just an accepted part of life. They were polite, tried to learn from their mistakes, etc. Now, I'm not so sure on whether to put any hope on these new wormers being able to press on past the newb status...
03.05.04 01:21
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Quoted :: HHC

clan tag is even better.

So are u saying n00bs should lie* about being in a clan?

And as sum1 said, find m8s on wn and play those people, or join games you know the person hosting. And don't have a n00b name on wn. Example of this:



03.05.04 03:05
Post #14
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like or lie? I think you ment lie. There's no crime in making a one man-clan is there? it usually helps a lot to get in games.
03.05.04 11:11
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