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lol you will sort of start it

btw.....wat font is that you used for your newest sig.....the galaxy one.....?
11.02.04 19:06
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

the font is called "hydrogenwhiskey"
go to

An image!
11.02.04 19:12
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Hurry UP! Hurry up and do the animation! :P
11.02.04 21:24
Post #18
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Joe, you can't rush perfecsion... Thats why there no point rushing me ;)
12.02.04 16:41
Post #19
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haha....(good one fuzz)
cooooommeeeee oooonnnnn
(lol only bugging you guys cuz we can't wait to see them!)
12.02.04 17:24
Post #20
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How you think this is for me?
Anyways i'm looking forward to see them.
12.02.04 17:28
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

bungee jumping is quite hard to do in an animation, especially if it's got to be avatar size

An image!
13.02.04 20:27
Post #22
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[]The Pope
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Just do it like joetheeskimo does in one of his sigs; scroll with the action you want to focus on...

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.02.04 20:33
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

i tried and got bored, sorry fuzz, but i made this which u can have

An image!
14.02.04 11:02
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Nice, i like it.
14.02.04 21:51
Post #25
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lol that is great! nice idea :)
15.02.04 01:31
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

thanks. if any body has got maybe a funny idea just ask and i will say if i can do it

An image!
15.02.04 09:41
Post #27
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Nj squelchy, i guess i use as temp untill pope fineshes his.
15.02.04 16:26
Post #28
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[]The Pope
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An image!

So teh second half is a bit cheap and shite, i don't care because it's the first time I've used a certain technique in that...

Enjoy fuzz.

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.02.04 18:58
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

vnj pope, i like alot

An image!
15.02.04 19:13
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