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Well just like on the tv show American Idol, I will be like Simon and give the honest truth. (which very little people do) I will tell you if I think the image is honest to goodness good. And if i say yes you know it is. And if I don't, then you'll know that your a horrible failure. Begin the Image Idol!
07.02.04 19:17
Post #1
Last edited: 07.02.04 19:18 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well what do you think of my avatar and sig? mr simon

An image!
07.02.04 19:24
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1,An image!
2.An image!
3.An image!
4.An image!
5.An image!
and my current sig

note:all of these are completely made by my, all other images made by me, arnt.

07.02.04 19:29
Post #3
Last edited: 07.02.04 19:33 (HarrY - 2 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
07.02.04 19:37
Post #4
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Ok then

1.An image!

2.An image!
3.An image!
07.02.04 19:37
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Well Squelchymcphee the avatar starts off very nicely but the blood at the end seems to look like the color of clay.

Pope: I like the texture

Harry and Fuzz: the name plates look well done but not very original. Make sumthing that stands out so much that people look at it and go OMG THAT'S FRICKEN FANTASTIC!

And harry's avatar: I like it but the worm is eating cookies naked and he needs milk. But it's funny. And you can't see the beginning and the end. (i like that)
07.02.04 19:44
Post #6
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[]The Pope
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I'll add the milk now then and the clothes thing is hard to do since it's tedious cutting bits of the worm so that the clothing is on the right level.

Learn to look, look to learn.
07.02.04 19:47
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I supose your right but i have no ideas of what to do on psp.
07.02.04 19:47
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i didnt know that worms wore clothes
and thx C1 4 the advice ;)

07.02.04 19:53
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Anytime Harry. I suppose pope's right tho. The clothes might be hard to put on that pic.
07.02.04 19:55
Post #10
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How do you post your images.
I really want to post some.
07.02.04 22:55
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An image!

07.02.04 23:05
Post #12
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aww didn't work....i'm not sure if i'm gonna post any here...
07.02.04 23:11
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Quoted :: guiworm

How do you post your images.
I really want to post some.

You press one of the links to your left when posting.

An image!
08.02.04 00:38
Post #14
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An image!

A nameplate, Nice and fresh

Edit: why is it like the american idol not the pop idol that us brits started

08.02.04 07:56
Post #15
Last edited: 08.02.04 07:58 (psymon - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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