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The Pope
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 Posts: 5183
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This is a competition, so get ready to compete!
£1000 will be the prize money for who ever creates the best Gordon Freeman worm. Gordon, for those who don't know who he is, starred as a scientist in Half Life.
You don't need to be a fan of Half Life to enter and many pictures of him can be found on the net through google.
For those who are lazy, here's an image of him.
GL and may the best worm win!
(There is no deadline. I will state what worm has won and I will decide. No other judges  )
Learn to look, look to learn. |
07.02.04 18:51 Post #1 | Last edited: 07.02.04 18:52 (The Pope - 1 times) |
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Rarr Send PM Posts: 822
Threads: 23 WA Clan: [BTP] WWP Clan: [BTP] Mood: Rarr Money: £337.36 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
| Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.
i will do something soon but not yet, i will wait to see other entrants and see what i have to beet

07.02.04 19:07 Post #2 | [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
Decisive Send PM
 Posts: 5183
Threads: 123 Mood: Refreshed Money: £201.52 (D) (+ Friend) 
Or how about you create something and get ppl going.
Learn to look, look to learn. |
09.02.04 19:05 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
RAAAAAAUUUUUY! Send PM Posts: 2671
Threads: 130 Money: £202.97 (D) (+ Friend) 
Bladung  one grordon freeman worm  pre-made to order
09.02.04 19:21 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
Decisive Send PM
 Posts: 5183
Threads: 123 Mood: Refreshed Money: £201.52 (D) (+ Friend) 
Not bad but the armour isn't what it should be...
(He has glasses if u hadn't noticed)
Learn to look, look to learn. |
09.02.04 19:22 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
RAAAAAAUUUUUY! Send PM Posts: 2671
Threads: 130 Money: £202.97 (D) (+ Friend) 
version 2
09.02.04 19:39 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts:
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ok here is mine....i even took a part of the BG of the real image to add to it
09.02.04 20:09 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Rarr Send PM Posts: 822
Threads: 23 WA Clan: [BTP] WWP Clan: [BTP] Mood: Rarr Money: £337.36 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
| Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.
nj psymon, very creative. there is no time limit, am i correct pope?

09.02.04 20:09 Post #8 | [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts:
Threads: Money: £0.00 (D) (+ Friend) 
lol well the 16th of FEb.....
09.02.04 20:10 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Rarr Send PM Posts: 822
Threads: 23 WA Clan: [BTP] WWP Clan: [BTP] Mood: Rarr Money: £337.36 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
| Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.
and it dosn;t have to be a copy of that exact image?

09.02.04 20:13 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
Decisive Send PM
 Posts: 5183
Threads: 123 Mood: Refreshed Money: £201.52 (D) (+ Friend) 
Nope. As long as it's gordon...
Learn to look, look to learn. |
09.02.04 20:33 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Rarr Send PM Posts: 822
Threads: 23 WA Clan: [BTP] WWP Clan: [BTP] Mood: Rarr Money: £337.36 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
| Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.
hmm, could be interesting, i'll try and look for some interesting pictures

09.02.04 20:50 Post #12 | [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts:
Threads: Money: £0.00 (D) (+ Friend) 
can't wait to see squelch's...
wat do you think of mine pope?
09.02.04 21:09 Post #13 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 1285
Threads: 28 Money: £9.60 (D) (+ Friend) 
I might give it a bash myself.
09.02.04 21:38 Post #14 | [WWW] [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
Decisive Send PM
 Posts: 5183
Threads: 123 Mood: Refreshed Money: £201.52 (D) (+ Friend) 
I've got to say igw's is thes best so far. IT has character lol.
Learn to look, look to learn. |
10.02.04 07:39 Post #15 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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