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I've noticed some people have random sigs like ZoGgEr! Can someone please tell me how to do them!:)

04.02.04 17:13
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"Sig Scripts" on the left.

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04.02.04 17:25
Post #2
Last edited: 04.02.04 17:26 (tundraH - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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lol, thanks.

I feel like a right idiot now:|:roll:

04.02.04 18:02
Post #3
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np dude.....just don't host them on
that site gives you a maximum views! it stinks!
04.02.04 18:24
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[]The Pope
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Try or the BTP uploader.

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.02.04 18:29
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Lol, pope just advertises tripod. You have like 20gb there now..
04.02.04 20:48
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[]The Pope
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To get 20gb I'd have to have 400 accounts...

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.02.04 20:50
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How many do u have?
04.02.04 21:07
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

I think that he have 20 or something:)
It is 400MB?!?!?!?
05.02.04 14:50
Post #9
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[]The Pope
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I have 20 accounts totalling to 1gb of space all for free...

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.02.04 15:47
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One of my accounts has been shut down because I was using it for file storage. One second.

Quoted :: tripod/lycos

Dear Tripod Member,

The access to your website was
closed due to the following reason: File storage .

You still have the possibility to access your website using Tripod
WebFTP or any FTP software during the next three months. You can use
this time to back up your files.

After three months, both HTTP and FTP access to your website will be

For more freedom on the web why not upgrade to a more flexible hosting
solution? Check out Lycos WebCentre:

Lycos Tripod Team

05.02.04 21:34
Post #11
Last edited: 05.02.04 21:35 (SPAZ - 2 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Time taken for account to close: 3 months.
Time taken to sign up again using another email address: 10 minutes.

Anybody like my sig by the way? Updates every 20 seconds or so.
05.02.04 21:56
Post #12
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I kinda like it, idea's pretty old though (new here at btp at least). Only thing I'm surprised about is that you don't have a better computer than that.
05.02.04 22:04
Post #13
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Yeah, I probably do need more RAM. Still it does what I want it to, for now. I just need to work on the Internet connection.
As for my sig, I'm proud that I thought of something to do that doesn't include "Your IP is", "You are using", or "Currently listening to".
05.02.04 22:30
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Yes. It reminded me of all of those. Some had some other info, too, iirc... but I don't recall what it was. Were you around when i had my sig up that told who was in #blamethepixel (BlameThePixel IRC Chat)?
05.02.04 23:13
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