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[This thread has been solved and is remaining for archival purpouses only. I request that only Admins, Mods, and Duke & Glenn reply, and only if they have anything pertenant to say. If other people make it go out of hand, i'll lock it.

BTW, its now generally agreed he meant to have a "not" in there, so don't post useless crap like "wtf?"



So duke, me pope and C1 agreed you spam. Pope has said this before and i have just spoken with C1

i would like you to explain this plz

An image!
30.01.04 21:02
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Last edited: 31.01.04 04:58 (CBWhiz - 3 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i just cant understand why he would want 2 tell you that. Its just so silly

30.01.04 21:21
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30.01.04 23:47
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Hey igotworms, you may want to watch yourself, you may have a cold. But I'm inclined to agree with your assement igw. It's not that hard to do either...

EDIT: I'm talking about the sender, not you Wishmaster ;).
31.01.04 00:09
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An image!
31.01.04 00:46
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Last edited: 31.01.04 00:46 (CBWhiz - 1 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Whoa... you can do that!?! Wait, of course you can, you're an admin... Well, this points the evidence back at Duke. But stupid question time, is it possible that someone else either hacked Duke's name into it, or hacked directly into Duke's account to send it..:?

Edit: I just got a PM from Duke. He said that he had miss typed his PM to you. So, maybe it should be read like this:

'I don't want to bug you with a PM from n00b, but I just want to tell you that I'm not trying to spam or get a 1000 posts just posting rubbish.'

But that's just me...
31.01.04 01:10
Post #6
Last edited: 31.01.04 02:32 (Glenn - 2 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Duke is a nice person, I also believe him when he tells me that he mistyped the pm. I know him well enough to know he does not have malicious intentions, and he would not type a pm like that deliberately. Because he is my friend and he does not have malicious intentions, I believe he should not be banned.

I know Duke is rather stupid, but he is learning how to behave. Now he has learnt a lesson that he must be careful with what he types, so I'm unbanning him and giving him a second chance. Bans are for evil people.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
31.01.04 03:35
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He was banned?

I just posted that as proof that wishmaster wasn't lying or anythign (someone suggested it was a forgery)

BTW, I don't generally go around reading people's PMs or anything - this was a one time thing.

Sorry Duke :)


yeah makes more sense with the "not" in there - not very good grammer w/o it. I thought it sounded funny.
31.01.04 04:53
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

He was banned?

I just posted that as proof that wishmaster wasn't lying or anythign (someone suggested it was a forgery)

BTW, I don't generally go around reading people's PMs or anything - this was a one time thing.

Sorry Duke :)


yeah makes more sense with the "not" in there - not very good grammer w/o it. I thought it sounded funny.

You know you like to read other pms cb. :D You've done it many times during a "pixel" related insident.
31.01.04 05:29
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re-read the first post C1. And that was only when i first got admin power :)
31.01.04 05:41
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I just got that PM too.

For prosecution purposes, here it is:

Quote: Duke

i just like to tell you im not trying to be a n00b, and i'm trying to post stupid stuff just to get 1000 posts

End of Quote

Uh, you shouldn't post for the sole reason that is getting to the status of Social User. It's a status u get for posting. Not posting random crap but useful stuff.

If I see any enormously spammy posts, I'll take action.


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31.01.04 12:25
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Once again, Pope, read the first post of this thread. It's missing a not in there (I'll bet on the date being close to that of Wishmaster's).
BTW, whilst I'm on the subject, just a friendly reminder. Don't ban people that your prosecuting before they have a reasonable chance to respond. It's just plain dirty pool to do that. And if I see it happen again, I don't care if I get banned. I'll be on your ass for the rest of your existence on earth.
You see, we live in what is called democracy. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty. They also have the right to an attoruney (or in this case, a response) for any trials. Taking that right away, your acting just as bad as the Communists or Hitler or any other major enemy did. Thus ends my friendly reminder. Hopefully, you've learned something from this...
31.01.04 14:50
Post #12
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If someone has blood on their hands and they say they've killed all ur family while just coming out of ur house, you'd rightly say "You killed my parents!"

Same thing with that PM. The post count is proof of what he said. Now I understand there was a spelling mistake, I apologise Duke.

BTW - No need too send me a PM explaining ur posting habits.

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31.01.04 15:11
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No, actually, I wouldn't say that. First, I would take them right back into the house. Then, I would check on my family. Once I saw they were alright, then I would come back and let them go. Besides, someone already tried that trick on me once, and I had a good laugh at it when I came back with 'blood' all over my clothes and a butcher knife in my hands. Kid almost died from shock :P.
31.01.04 16:43
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im just back since last night when i posted this thread, And i DID have a big discussion with C1 and R_E,

it seems fair he could have missed the not word. Should have read what he wrote though. I just wanted others opinions.
31.01.04 17:08
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