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just wanted to make sure as some clans dont agree with it
05.05.04 16:40
Post #106
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Sure, I'll try you out sometime Wishmaster. Or Star Worms can because I'm six hours behind you...
05.05.04 21:27
Post #107
Last edited: 05.05.04 21:28 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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checklist is done now

bodyknight's arrival is a bit delayed due to the fact he's still making his mini movie about himself

worminator will arrive after he finishes his mini game

and i've still got to do the suprise wru movie

DOH! i'm revealed
06.05.04 13:34
Post #108
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I played with star worms and R_E the other day. I suck quite badly actually. :/

not playing for many a month seems to have an effect.
07.05.04 10:02
Post #109
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welcome me everyone, i am now in ur clan
20.05.04 18:39
Post #110
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Well... welcome :P. And for those of you that aren't checking the clan list every few days (shame on you), Haloony is on the bubble for inactivity. So if any of you see him, please tell me.
21.05.04 00:43
Post #111
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i think i should start playing w:a
21.05.04 16:23
Post #112
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You know, that just might be a good idea, because that way I'm much more likely to see you online :P. Just make sure you put on all the updates.
21.05.04 20:59
Post #113
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so skate you joined WrU? you said you were gonna join WG =(
22.05.04 05:42
Post #114
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And you gave him a clan tryout when :P?
22.05.04 14:39
Post #115
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the day he posted the thread..
23.05.04 05:55
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Not to be mean, but WrU has better ropers then WG. So if we declined xSKATEx then how the HELL is he in WrU?

23.05.04 18:53
Post #117
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It's still tentative. I'm going to play him again once he's feeling better (he was sick during the tryout).
23.05.04 20:08
Post #118
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He was, I told him to practice a little then we would recommend him if we was a little better. Ah but it don't matter now.

24.05.04 01:52
Post #119
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Hi Guys! :D I am happy to announce that i'm back in the clan and ready to worm. Some of u might not know me(many?!) but some of u do.
And starworms said that i could rejoin :). Uh i have a little prob though. I can't find my W:A disc ATM so u won't see me there for a while.But anyway i'll be playing WWP now and then(just untill i found my disc the i will play both)

Happy to be back :) i'll have to play some of u guys some day :P
28.05.04 20:20
Post #120
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