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is it by team17? and any1 know of a reles date?
18.01.04 16:31
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[]Psymon$1is the master at Most Half-life mods (big fat lie, though i'm quite good at sven co-op) and quite good at most FPS's

18.01.04 16:31
Post #17
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in light of the fact that i cant play w3 to save my ass ill tell you i own at timesplitters 2

har har! u ll never beat me at that
18.01.04 16:50
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[]The Pope
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aha! FPS's.

Half-Life, Quake 3, Counter-Strike, Bond: Nightfire, Vietcong (clanned), Call of Duty and UT2003. Kiss my headshotting and Godlike ass!

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18.01.04 17:09
Post #19
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no way

u kiss my headshooting god like ass before i blow your head off!
18.01.04 17:21
Post #20
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[]The Pope
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Don't make me snipe each of ur fingers off with a Magnum...

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18.01.04 17:39
Post #21
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Errr..I'm like the best at TS2, But i haven't got anyone good to play against.:(

Sven co-op is one of my fav mods cause you play with not against other people.

18.01.04 17:45
Post #22
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i'll whup your ass at ts2 any level any time (unless im drunk) on the borders of france
18.01.04 17:49
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The best person i can play agianst is my Dad and he's usless.

Edit: HL2 is out in russia.

18.01.04 17:51
Post #24
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[]The Pope
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Is it???? Fuck, didn't know that. Is it a leaked version or legal release?

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18.01.04 17:56
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so this is gunna be a 3d war type worms game? Isn't that wat worms3d is pretty much already? But if it's like warcraft with worms that would be pretty fun.
19.01.04 03:06
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[]The Pope
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Maybe an isometric, top down view and not fully 3D. A bit like Army Men but with worms and less green plastic.

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19.01.04 15:28
Post #27
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lol they are getting better than w3d by the sounds of things but is 2d worming a thing of there past?
19.01.04 15:32
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i hope not. But perhaps they can make it more like star craft graphics. Kinda 3d but still a 2dish feeling.
19.01.04 21:48
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U mean Isometric?

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20.01.04 16:39
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