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[]The Pope
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Uninstall WWP.

Click 'Run'.

Type regedit.

Find Team17.

Double click the Team17 folder and select the WWP folder.

Select it and delete the WWP folder.

Reinstall Worms.

Learn to look, look to learn.
26.01.04 18:57
Post #16
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where the hell do you get this thing from to change the haelth bar on WWP? i can't find it anywhere!
19.04.04 16:56
Post #17
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I'm not going to tell you in the intrest of preventing the spread of piracy (well, T17 related at least), since all the sites that have it end up with pirated stuff as well, but I will tell you the smart thing to do would be to try Google. It can't possibly be that hard to find (I found it myself within 5 minutes).
20.04.04 01:16
Post #18
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Orangie Orgy
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Dont bother cause your not gonna get any popular with it. It will actually make you less popular than purple meat (dont ask.)
24.04.04 02:04
Post #19
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purple meat?

What's that meant to mean?!?
24.04.04 09:43
Post #20
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What is annelid's website??
plz post a link!
23.04.06 15:52
Post #21
Orangie Orgy
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He doesnt have one (anymore)
23.04.06 15:57
Post #22
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Quoted :: Lopas1

What is annelid's website??
plz post a link!

so where can i get the wwpipe?

(exept from BTP)
23.04.06 16:00
Post #23
Orangie Orgy
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23.04.06 16:12
Post #24
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

thats all i could find.

when i click the link i just ending up here
23.04.06 16:39
Post #25
Orangie Orgy
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lol, i.e. user
Why does it matter if its on btp or not?
23.04.06 19:11
Post #26
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Cuz it says that one of the files isn't there when i extract it!:(
23.04.06 19:35
Post #27
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