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Actually, Majorgames86 noticed the flaw, but hes not very good at communicating.

messed up in saying that 1/sqr(-1)=sqr(1/-1). the laws that made that true with real numbers don't apply with imaginary numbers. sqr(-1)=i. 1/i= i^(-1)=-i. also, the squareroot isn't a function, there are 2 different answers. sqr(-1)=i and sqr(-1)=-i.

He basicly said that square roots can be negitive, but everyone kind of glossed over that...
10.01.04 21:39
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Quoted :: ReadMe

√(-1)² = -1

In the case of √(-1)² = -1, the (-1)² is a quantity within a radical, it must be done before simplifying. Thus, it would equal √1, which simplifys to 1. In order to get the answer -1, it should be written like this:

- √(-1)² = -1
11.01.04 02:55
Post #17
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omfg i come to btp to relax not to have a my mind melted by so many complex numbers.

what has btp come of now :(
11.01.04 12:06
Post #18
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

dreameater is right, readme should go to his maths teacher
11.01.04 15:02
Post #19
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jesus, you try have a decent intellectual discussion and everyone has a go at u - lets go back to spamming and pointless net shall we?

And glenn is correct above, but thats due to my notation not being very good in this text.

look at it this way:

((-1)^0.5)^2 = (-1)^(0.5 x 2) = (-1)^1 = -1

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.01.04 15:28
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Well, doing it that way makes more sense for your purpose. That, and it also allows it to equal -1.

Also, for anyone who for some reason doesn't believe me about the square root thing, here's some webpage that I found that talks about it.

Quoted :: Some Webpage
The product of two positive numbers and the product of the same two negative numbers is the same positive number. This means the square root can be written as a positive and/or negative number. Mathematicians use principal square root when they are discussing positive square roots and negative square root when they refer to negative square roots. If the radical sign, √, is used:

√ = principal square root

- √ = negative square root

Well... that settles the manner :P .
11.01.04 16:20
Post #21
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lol man i was jokin, i just dont understand complex theories!

neway i dont want it to go back to borin net and spammin as ReadMe said.
12.01.04 15:24
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