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meh what can i say im a hardcore gammer :)
18.01.04 13:53
Post #61
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

does FF game have any connection with FF movie?
i never played game, and is there FF on PC?
18.01.04 14:27
Post #62
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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You can play FF's I - IX on emulators on the PC, VII and VIII had PC versions (dunno if any others did), and yes, Final Fantasy: The Spiritis Within has 'something' to do with the FF series.

Also, FF XI has a PC version, and I imagine it won't be long before they get the PS2 emulators playing FFX and FFX-2.
19.01.04 02:42
Post #63
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anyone tried 9? I say it has the best story and stuff. I also like how it has an alternate ending if you get the coin thingies. And the princess is hot..
19.01.04 03:18
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I don't remember if I beat IX, but yea, it was good. Actually... I think that might be my favorite. Ah well, they all take ungodly too long, I could've learned 3 computer languages in the time I've spent on them (and be damn good at them).
19.01.04 03:41
Post #65
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it seems every1 likes ff does any1 here seen ffx-2?
19.01.04 15:16
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

fuzz, dont we all think that you post too much?
more than 100 post a day
19.01.04 17:37
Post #67
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hmm i dont think he does. Perhaps 100 a week but not 100 a day.
19.01.04 22:06
Post #68
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so refresh my memory, what the link between FF: The spirits within and the games? Appart form the production team (if i remember rightly)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.04 23:28
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None of the games in the series have storyline connections ('cept FFX and FFX-2 of course), although they will make easter-egg like hints to previous games in the games.

I don't know of any direct correlation between FF: TSW and the game series, but it's basically like 'Final Fantasy' as a movie. I guess.
19.01.04 23:47
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The final fantasy movie didn't have to do with final fantasy. The movie was about sum messed up stuff but i cant remember frankly wat it was about. Just that it was crappy and wasnt about final fantasy.
20.01.04 04:08
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

lets go back to topic, before some mod lock us

who want to make music for my game

PS>> cool, i have 500 posts!
20.01.04 19:58
Post #72
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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sry 2 be off-topic but i don't do 100 posts a day not in my profile says about 8.somthing i think
21.01.04 17:07
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There is a FF movie That is linked to the games, There's one about 7, And I SO badly want to play FFX-2

21.01.04 17:12
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

fuzz, you post more than 50 these days, in past, you wasnt post at all, an becouse it says 8 per day

21.01.04 18:14
Post #75
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