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» Can't log in! Page: [1] [2] |
I tried to log in, but the only thing which is shown some error text saying that it failed. Then I'm redirected to the index page. It says "Ping? Pong!" at the top, but that may be something new that doesn't have anything to do with the error. Can anyone (ZoGgEr!) fix that?
31.12.03 12:08 Post #1 | [Quote] |
Same problem here - it's because the holly thing is being sent out before the cookies that actually log you in. This is the full output:\n
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/blamethe/public_html/config.php:615) in /home/blamethe/public_html/login.php on line 43
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/blamethe/public_html/config.php:615) in /home/blamethe/public_html/login.php on line 44
Logged in. Index
31.12.03 18:06 Post #2 | [Quote] |
(I'm guessing this is because the holly doesn't pay attention to the $nooutput variable, or $ignore, or whatever)
31.12.03 18:14 Post #3 | [Quote] |
i also cant log in, so i had a quick look in my profile 2 see if my profile still existed and at my sig and pre sig it said this"note to cbwhiz: update this page (conlinks())note to cbwhiz: update this page (addsmilies())" y is it there?
31.12.03 21:57 Post #4 | [Quote] |
God! Don't you people check before posting! Sum1 already posted a subject on this!
01.01.04 00:02 Post #5 | [Quote] |
Main Bugs:
-Can Log On
-For News it says Ping Pong
-I blame CBWhiz
-the MouseOver goes to the top of the screen for sum reason when im not logged in.
-When you try to log onto blamethepoxel it just goes back to the screen and doesnt log u on.
- Also On the Blue design, why is BlamethePixel off to the right? It looks horrible. I would change that to make it go to the center. That would look nice.
-On a lighter note no one gets cookies again.
01.01.04 00:09 Post #6 | [Quote] |
The Pope
It's liked everyone ahs lost their identity and are using skins to pretend they are who they say, which they don't need to since only the smart ones make it onto here.
01.01.04 00:27 Post #7 | [Quote] |
Allright guys allright, listen up.
For some reason I cant view any page of BTP at all in Mozilla Firebird, ever since the site went down. I tested some stuff out to see if it worked, and it didnt. Thus, Firebird being a superior browser, I just assumed BTP was dead
I'm gonna fix the $nooutput crap right now, so you can all log in, while i reinstall firebird several times...
01.01.04 08:40 Post #8 | [Quote] |
Lol i knew it was cb who did this..he always does..But he always fixes it too.
Quote By Pope:
It's liked everyone ahs lost their identity and are using skins to pretend they are who they say, which they don't need to since only the smart ones make it onto here.
Hmm u mean im the smart one? I have told most of the people here how to fix it..like u lol.
01.01.04 11:35 Post #9 | [Quote] |
Well i fixed the cant login bug by removing the holly, so you can actually log in now.
Unfortunately when you attempt to visit BTP when logged in - it fails. And i can see no good reason why :/ cant even see a bad reason either. The bit of code that is run if you are logged in will have executed ok if you see a message saying "getting there!" at the top of your page.
01.01.04 12:57 Post #10 | [Quote] |
I got good news and bad news - although most of you wont understand much of it.
The good news is i've narrowed down the problem, the bad news? i dunno what causes it.
The file config.php stops execuation for me on line 467 for no real reason - It just does. Now this normally means that you dont get any output from the file since we start off with ob_start() and the flush is after this line.
When i comment out the ob_start(); the output gets about halfway through the clicky's JS funcs before halting.
I still dont see why this behaviour is avoided when not logged in however.
01.01.04 13:09 Post #11 | [Quote] |
weird indeed. Unfortunately I haven't had much of an oppurttunity to do anything around this time of year, and I'll probly be out pretty soon today so I can't do anything stil... Zogger!$1wonders...
01.01.04 14:51 Post #12 | [Quote] |
well, while ur fixing this problem, why not upload the old versions of the pages cb edited. That will make it so everyone can continue at btp and then when u fix the problem, upload cb's fixer upper version again.
01.01.04 20:28 Post #13 | [Quote] |
Erm, for the record - there is nothing that CB has done that could be linked to the current problem unless in some stupidly obscure way.
01.01.04 20:33 Post #14 | [Quote] |
I want to log in, but HOW
please answer
04.01.04 17:55 Post #15 | [Quote] | Page: [1] [2] |
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