
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Yay! I finished my Comic Dudes

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well here they all are..most look pretty good. I felt like editing them for season 3 seeing as the old ones were looking kinda bad. And also it's 10 years later from season2 so they have a right to look different.

C1: An image!
(i wasnt sure how i should look so i went with what i knew i currly haired afro thing. And therefore i felt that i should go hippi style..)
C1 on his hippi sheep:

New Solid Snake Pic 1:An image!

New Solid Snake Pic 2:An image!

Killa Pic:An image!

Thor Pic 1:An image!

Thor Pic 2:An image!

and everyone else in my comic i found didnt really need a makeover except maybe annelid but meh..he already had fur what else does he need. I also am uploading 2-3 more comics..(the last ones) All that is left to do is the Season Finale which will be presented to u by Pope without commerical animation form ;)

Copyright of Contra Clan Corp. 2003-
25.12.03 21:01
Post #1
Last edited: 28.12.03 05:53 (C1 - 3 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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this suuure is gonna be corney....
I'll giva ya what meager money I have if ya turn me into a charicter. I dont even hafta be in the comic, I just would like to see what your rendidtion of me would be.(rhyme,rhyme,rhyme):P
27.12.03 01:11
Post #2
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C1, you put two thor pic the same. it wnet thor pic1,2 then 2 again.

anyway the comics are great.:D

i would say the 1st seriers was better though cause they went nowhere in the 2nd seriers

27.12.03 08:40
Post #3
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yea, I agree. 1st series twas better. still enjoyed em both tho\
27.12.03 20:15
Post #4
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..Season 1 everyone said they didnt understand. Season2 i found that it went sumwhere..they saved killa and got rid of OGOD. And a tragic hero fell. I thought it was better. But to eats his own.
28.12.03 05:56
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C1 it's each to his own not eats to his own.

well in season 2 they just stayed on that island where as in season 1 they went into the cheese mines to get the cheese and went to the city aswell.

they went a lot more places in season 1.

still liked both seasons.

28.12.03 08:32
Post #6
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o. Cool cool. Did u understand it well? I'm horrible with english. (english is my only language)
28.12.03 23:26
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C1 if it's not much to ask can you make me in it again? You know like when annelid chopped my head off well the head was found and put into a jar etc.. o well i dont care what you do.
29.12.03 00:31
Post #8
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i dunno. I might be able to fit u in sumwhere. At the beginning of season 3 i think i will start it off with me making out with pamila anderson..and dumazz can call me in to ask me to come to a meeting about..[secret info for next season]
29.12.03 01:47
Post #9
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ohhh i just went to read season 1 cause i for got most of it , got to comic 7 then i just went to broken like instead of the comic.:cry:.

i'm kinda sad now. will you be able to fix it?

29.12.03 09:02
Post #10
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did u try refreshing?

anyhoo, looking gd C1 :D
29.12.03 14:51
Post #11
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bit of a readme worm i've done for ya:
  .########=.;    .,., #######;#                  
+,#####                  = .#=##-#X               
#####                       # #####               
+Xxx#X# x, ############       # ###               
X######### #######            # ##                
X#                            = #####             
X#        .          . .      x ##,               
x#            X,       .      + ###               
##+  ####     ##=#=    ,      # ###               
###=,####.    #####    ,      # ###               
  -###X##     ####x    .      # ###               
  ### .###    ####X  . .      #####               
     ##              .        ##                  
     ##,#   ,,       .      # ##                  
     - ##    . .   .        # ##                  
       ##                   # ##                  
       ##       ,  -  ;     # ##      x           
       ###x       +##=#     #+#########           
         x########### -  #####       #-##         
         ##  ;           ##X           ##         
         ##- #                         #####      
         ##- #                         = ###      
         ##, #                         - ### ++#  
         ##+.#                  +-.      #######=.
         ###x#                  ### -         #x##
            ##                X ###xX         # ##
           ##### ;          . #####X          #,##
              ################     #############  

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.01.04 22:34
Post #12
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Quoted :: psymon

ohhh i just went to read season 1 cause i for got most of it , got to comic 7 then i just went to broken like instead of the comic.:cry:.

i'm kinda sad now. will you be able to fix it?

hmm your right..I have no clue how that happened. those were uploaded before. I wonder what happened..o well i fixed it and they're uploaded again.
03.01.04 02:29
Post #13
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