
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Regarding the poll on home page

Poll: Would My Idea Be Worth It
Yes, we should start soon 4 users
Yes, but your doing it wrong 3 users
No it could never work 2 users
It wont work we should do it my way ( post plz ) 1 users
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l'ai thinks they are both gd like speed poker and the sit down and play so j'ai thinks that both should be made.

19.12.03 20:04
Post #16
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o shut up with ur french. But readme, the game didnt have time rewards before so why now?
20.12.03 01:55
Post #17
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ok guy lets stop fighting and think of some good ideas

that is the point though

isnt it?
20.12.03 20:20
Post #18
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would u quit that
20.12.03 20:49
Post #19
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i think he fell asleep on his keyboard again:twisted:

21.12.03 12:27
Post #20
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O no! I voted no when i meant yes. dammnit
21.12.03 14:09
Post #21
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well thats no votes for not redoing the money and leaving it as is.
21.12.03 14:46
Post #22
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if only we mods had moding powers here..
21.12.03 18:58
Post #23
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how, what would you do?
22.12.03 10:26
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Edit or delete that post...

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22.12.03 13:52
Post #25
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may i ask why?

my post made perfect sense
22.12.03 15:53
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I mean I was answering ur question. We would edit or delete that spacers post lol

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22.12.03 19:00
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22.12.03 21:01
Post #28
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Quoted :: psymon

l'ai thinks they are both gd like speed poker and the sit down and play so j'ai thinks that both should be made.

nice french, considering "je" means "I", and "J'ai" means i have, so u either ment the past tense, in which case your english is wrong, or you are a fool.
25.12.03 18:29
Post #29
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oh my french is very bad.(damn french techers, look there goes my english aswell)i ment it as I but you know and year8 person in top set can't allways be good, Can He?

25.12.03 20:49
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