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The Good Die Young
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On a game like an Elite where u hav to place ur worm, if the timer runs out and i havnt placed my worm , the game becomes non responsive and shows little x's everywhere! has this happened to any1 else and is there a way to stop it ??


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10.12.03 18:19
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ummm im not sure but i think the beta patch fixes it but im not sure but in future just place in time. and i think this has been posted b4 on t17 forums
10.12.03 18:31
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The Good Die Young
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ok and ok


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10.12.03 19:14
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actually ive had that happen with the beta patch. DOn't know why it did thta tho.
10.12.03 22:28
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if u just fecking click, the worm places and there is no problem
11.12.03 20:35
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Hehehee funny glitch to annoy people:p To get out of it i just move the mouse up and click repeatedly.

11.12.03 21:36
Post #6
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u do that works. kl wel im gonna try that coz when i first started playin online it happened a few times but now if u fix works that will save the trouble if i forget to click one day, Cheers Star
11.12.03 22:15
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yeh cheerz if dat worx star coz most of da time im smokin my bong so i never clik in time :) hehe


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12.12.03 16:58
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