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is it me or does worms3d not seem as wormy as it could be?

10.11.03 10:43
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An image!!!!111
10.11.03 14:01
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u idiot spaz its a fine question.
but i think you're wrong. its perfectly "wormy"

10.11.03 14:59
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its spammy question by spammy new person lol. If you gonna post a thread make it interesting.. like my 'I have drawn yall a picture' thread. The only worms game that wasnt actually wormy was worms blast which was shitty.
10.11.03 15:12
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yea thats nvg but i like wwp the best it's a owner of a game it is
10.11.03 15:33
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oh man dont start that again. its a stupid thing to say because i bet you havnt owned wa.

11.11.03 02:27
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omg spaz stfu. They should have banned u a long time ago. It's a good question. But i see where the dude who asked the question is coming from. Ya it doesn't seem as "wormy" but remember it's 3d and it's a whole new game type
11.11.03 14:42
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kinda... the worms look more like the 2d worms then actual 3d ones. but i'm glad.

11.11.03 21:14
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11.11.03 21:23
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i find it to be very worms, sort of more comical, like the way the sheeps legs waggle as you hold it. OR all the new expressions they do when u leave them alone.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.11.03 23:17
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yea, they kept with the comical side of worms. they react and get all scared if you point at their face with zook.
11.11.03 23:19
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nice..wish the game didn't have so much bugs, etc.
12.11.03 21:22
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There are not so many bugs in it. It's not annoying.
13.11.03 15:43
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yea its a really fun game
30.11.03 19:47
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We'll see when it comes out in canada.
30.11.03 22:22
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