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ill jut ask here cos team 17 forum is broke.

Are there ranks online? if not whats the league channel for?
also my game keeps crashing while online during/after games, is this a bug or what?
09.11.03 13:15
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Apparently there will be ranks, but not until everything is stable. There's meant to be a patch coming out on Monday or Tuesday to fix most of the bugs and make the whole thing easier to use.
09.11.03 13:25
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thanking you loads tundraH.
09.11.03 14:06
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second questions

why does sometimes in a hotseat game after a round, does the nade not light even once i choose another level?
10.11.03 17:45
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T WM: Bug, you must switch back to normal terrain and then re-choose pre-made terrain (or vis a vi)
10.11.03 18:52
Post #5
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thanx CB also realised i double posted. Whoops.

what does you mean by T WM, ??

also new problem is that the fooking fmvs after missions etc have a like 50/50 chance of actually coming on. I either get it normally or just the sound accompnied by a black screen, wtf is up with that!

im having sooooo many problems with thios mutha fooker, i hope the patch resolves most of it otherwise im taking it back......
10.11.03 21:08
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Quoted :: tundraH
There's meant to be a patch coming out on Monday or Tuesday to fix most of the bugs and make the whole thing easier to use.

it doesn't matter, they can't even keep their site(s) up, so they won't even be able to release any thing resembling a patch.
10.11.03 22:14
Post #7
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very true, i could only get on the forum after deleting my cookies. Sad.

but i need to know if the FMV problem above is my fault i just updated windwos xp after a friend suggested. I really want to reverse that because its taking ages to boot up now.

also i agreed to archive my files, what does that mean?
11.11.03 09:04
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it means there is a backup of ur files somewhere on ur hard drive just incase u wanna restore ur computer to a former self if u get a dodgy driver which is uninstallable

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.11.03 16:04
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