
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » whats the best worms game?

Poll: whats the best worms game?
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Butt Cheek
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on w3d? lol good luck...

02.11.03 23:27
Post #16
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i was talking about W2 if you'd read, i want indestructible terrain!

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.11.03 22:22
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Butt Cheek
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i did read. i thought u were changing the subject. me never having w2 i did not know that u could not have indestructible terrain. though reading back on your post it is pretty obvious, sorry

04.11.03 02:04
Post #18
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The only issues you have with Worms 3D are that you don't like the camera and that it's not a roping game.

Camera is fine for me, and I'm glad it's not a roping game. I love it.
04.11.03 12:42
Post #19
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I love W3D:D.
But i ate those stupid wormnet bugs.
They stink.:evil:
07.02.04 23:16
Post #20
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This is an old thread dude...
08.02.04 11:24
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[]The Pope
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A rule for old threads being undug:

If someone posts on an old thread with nothing useful to say, don't post after him saying this is an old post or it's SPAM because that just gives him a chance to post after you and SPAM some more.

Learn to look, look to learn.
08.02.04 11:54
Post #22
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Ok then i never new that befor though sorry pope.
08.02.04 12:02
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[]The Pope
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It's not really a written rule but it does help cut down on SPAM...

Learn to look, look to learn.
08.02.04 12:05
Post #24
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Alright i wont do it anymore after this one.
08.02.04 12:26
Post #25
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definately wwp...although w3d would have been my second pick
22.06.04 22:44
Post #26
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[]Star Worms
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Do you have to go round ressurecting 4 and a half month old threads?!

23.06.04 12:29
Post #27
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;)i agree with fuzz cause worms is a game not real life and 2d simple pixel gives it that game feel
18.02.05 14:08
Post #28
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