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[]The Pope
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Had enough of BR? Can't stand shoppas? Fingers numb from roping? Well just relax with a game of GrenaBall!

Rules of GrenaBall:

1. You do not kill your opponent
2. Shoot the grenades into the baskets
3. Count the score fairly.
4. Scores are written next to hoop
5. Choose your own time from the scheme to suit your needs. 10 mins average.
6. Place your worm on the starting area.
7. Do not move yourself with the grenade

Played on a specially made map.

1 worm each team.

maximum of 6 teams playing at once

Download the

Download the Scheme

Man that felt cheasy! Anyway, the idea came to me when I was watching basketball and thinking of worms at the sametime. That's it really. More maps to follow soon.

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25.10.03 19:56
Post #1
Last edited: 25.10.03 20:10 (The Pope - 2 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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heheh, nice, but i cant be bothered playing it :D
25.10.03 20:32
Post #2
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pfft, be as well making it into a training mission.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.10.03 21:19
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pff kings army is better. 2 sides. Mostly done underground. Can invade but no attacking on i think the first few turns..(considered building turns) One of the longest games ever played. Uh perhaps too many weapons but if some1 can fix the game up a bit it would be perfect. And uh 4 teams min. 1 team is the knights the other team is the kings. And vise versa for both players. If the kings die u lose. (max 3 kings) And the knights just protect. So position ur kings well and u'll win.
26.10.03 02:13
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sounds too complicated, how u gonna explain that to the ppl ur playing - the best games are pretty simple.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
26.10.03 10:57
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[]The Pope
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1. shoot the nade into the basket

that easy enuff to understand?

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26.10.03 11:16
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i meant kings army was too complicated.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
26.10.03 12:12
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i played this game before on a map in made using worms in-built one exept that you had two worms one in the basket and one on a platform. it was ok but the map was a bit shitty (note to self:don't use inbuilt wwp map maker)

26.10.03 14:56
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lol. Sorta reminds me of a basketball game I made for worms quite a while ago. (It was before I was even on btp, much less did it ever get deom'ed or relesed.)
Yea, seems kinda neat, but I usualy just prefer sothing that has to do with blowing up the other worm. In my version, there were baskettes for say, 3 worms (or 2 or 1, whatever gives ya a woody) Then, 1 worm would be at the bottom trying to lob nades into the baskettes containg the other worms. The map was atrocious looking, and the gaem just didnt play very well.
Wait, what were we talking about again?
26.10.03 16:03
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Sounds funny, but I'm too lazy to put the WWP disk in the drive.
26.10.03 16:16
Post #10
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heh, bloopy has a similar game where you tro the worm into the basket lol

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
26.10.03 16:53
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ya i suppose to readme. Fun game tho when u play it. The simple way of saying it is: Like a fort but underground. With 2 teams and 1 team is kings the other is knights. Kings die u lose. Invading aloud.
26.10.03 23:52
Post #12
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Butt Cheek
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o ty that clears it upso well...
jk i've actually been meaning to download it 4 a while

27.10.03 00:10
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sorry for a late reply,
this idea was done in many variations.
jasper and vest made 1 almost 2 years ago
scheme and map @
theirs involved clearing the 'ball'
and shooting a nde in the basket (in the basket, was a 'basket worm' ect....
29.10.03 06:34
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[]The Pope
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oic. Well neva heard of taht game and also mine isnt a copy completely because i never heard of it and also u can score 2 baskets with one nade and has multiple hoops with varying score.

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29.10.03 08:59
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