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Poll: Do you think the "Sword In Da Stone" series is good?
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

here are all the episodes so far. what do you think?:?

An image!
21.10.03 15:32
Post #1
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[]The Pope
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all fantastic, nice stabbing in the harry P episode.

Also, jsut found out u can make animations in fireworks, just create them on new frames and export in animated gif.

Learn to look, look to learn.
21.10.03 15:44
Post #2
Last edited: 21.10.03 15:44 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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they need to be set side by side like a comic. in other words, not animations. i never wait for the animation to loop back all the way to the beginning so i can see the entire thing, or if i miss a frame or two while watchin it (the same).
21.10.03 21:07
Post #3
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ya i like the harry potter one too. And i agree u need like a loop back button or something. But vg harry ones...where's his glasses tho? did he get contacts?
21.10.03 21:49
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Wooden Hat
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Look who's back!
Get ready for some spam (or not)!

All Great! Good work!


An image!
22.10.03 19:07
Post #5
[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

oh my gos! i forgot the glasses, i completely for got but meh, anyone got any ideas for other episodes? and i'm not smart enough to get a loop back button and come on there only 2 mins long:roll:

An image!
22.10.03 19:09
Post #6
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yes, maybe no,
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i got an idear

the onw with the sword finds a friend and they both become treehuggers

lol not 2 good eh ?8O

10.12.03 17:52
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ohh i realy like the 1 where harry potter dies cos i realy think he should die and i h8 harry potter

10.12.03 18:11
Post #8
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
yes, maybe no,
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shame your share the same name as him..

11.12.03 17:01
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no .he stole my name

11.12.03 18:32
Post #10
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