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Yes, the new clan CsR (Can't Stop Roping) is here to kick all your buttocks. Visit MY site at - Have fun and i wud appreciate it if you cud email me on suggestions and all the bollox! ta :mrgreen:
17.10.03 14:43
Post #1
Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

18.10.03 08:56
Post #2
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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how is that spammer? by saying spammer urself, u r being a spammer. nice site btw, add some graves and flags soon, im eager to see them.

Learn to look, look to learn.
18.10.03 08:58
Post #3
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Nice start, but:
  • You shouldn't put your whole site in the db folder.
  • BMP images.
  • The Contact link points to your hard drive.
18.10.03 11:09
Post #4
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Thanks for the suggestions and Archamond can sod off. Will be adding flags, graves etc... this is new and no-one else can really make sites so I have to do it all myself. If any of you are interested in adding stuff on there or helping me make it, would be nice, just post back to this and I'll see what I can do.
18.10.03 12:11
Post #5
Also, I've sorted out the 'Contact Info' link. Thanks for that tundraH.
18.10.03 12:13
Post #6
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I suppose this is sort of on-topic... is it just me or is Brinkster's www32 down? I can't get to
18.10.03 21:01
Post #7
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it doesnt work for me either :o
19.10.03 10:25
Post #8
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Hmm... same here. I cant access my website no more. Argh, I wonder why? Hopefully they will get it sorted soon...
19.10.03 10:52
Post #9
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weee, nice double post :D. i dont thinkl u can delete any as a guest, but i dunno, not being one
19.10.03 12:36
Post #10
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yeah, since he hasn't signed up he didn't have much choice in that one afaik, you really should sign up ricky, u get a load of bonuses n things. Or at least, you should.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.10.03 12:58
Post #11
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Bonuses? Like what? and im not sure why it double posted... bit strange that.
19.10.03 15:05
Post #12
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like getting a pretty picture beside your name :D
20.10.03 13:34
Post #13
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