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Ive tried everyone's tutorials and it still doesnt come out right. maybe this is coz they all apply to W:A... i dont know. But, I have bitmonkey and I am using PSP7 to make maps. Everyone says the import button on WWP works and changes it to a .bit file but it doesnt work so i use bitmonkey but STILL they never come out right. I use the right size map, ONLY black and white, but no textures as of yet, and save it as a bitmap... load bitmonkey, encode it to a .bit map and still no success. Are my maps supposed to look like everyone else's? Yes, they are... BUT THEY DON'T. I would really appreciate a map making tutorial for WWP using PSP7 and bitmonkey and not using the import button for WWP. Please, go step-by-step and... hopefully, i will be able to finally make maps! THANKYOU:cry:
17.10.03 14:23
Post #1
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what DO they look like, whats the problem? is it not silver? is it too far to the right? is it upside down?


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17.10.03 19:18
Post #2
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They are not silver... for one. When you change them to a .bit file and load it in WWP most of it gets deleted (though I think I need to make the terrain thicker for that one.) Though main problem is it is NOT silver, why?! I've tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried.
18.10.03 12:16
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u need to either make it as hospital or manhattan terrain, my version of BITmonkey has a minor bug in that the terrain settings aren't quite right, u have to select the one one before the one u want.

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18.10.03 16:40
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I've tried making it hospital but still no success. I only use the colours black and white and save it as a bmp. Then I load up BITmonkey and make it into a .bit file. But when i load it up in WWP it isnt silver. What am i doing wrong?
19.10.03 11:00
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is it defo set as hospital or manhattan WHEN U LOAD IT UP IN THE MAP EDITOR srry for caps but i cba to do bold

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19.10.03 11:08
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Yeah, tried it as hospital though when i decode it as a .bit file and set it so it's hospital, in the game it is set as jungle?! but even if i put it as hospital in the game still it is not the proper silver texture thingy. Don't spose you wanna explain to me how you make 'em step-by-step do ya?
19.10.03 14:53
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maybe cos u have solid blocks of land, to make it silver u need to have it textured, there should be some tutorials on here:

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19.10.03 15:56
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man...ok load it as hospital...or "silver" as u say. and save it as that. Perhaps when u load it up again u dont notice that u forgot to change the terrain. Always check when ur new at this.
20.10.03 00:00
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with bitmonkey there is a bug, so you have to select the one above the one u want on the list, if you see what i mean, e.g. if you want manhatten in the game, you have to select the terrain before manhatten on the bitmonkey list.
21.10.03 12:15
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Quoted :: ReadMe

my version of BITmonkey has a minor bug in that the terrain settings aren't quite right, u have to select the one one before the one u want.

Quoted :: Meiapaul

with bitmonkey there is a bug, so you have to select the one above the one u want on the list, if you see what i mean, e.g. if you want manhatten in the game, you have to select the terrain before manhatten on the bitmonkey list.


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21.10.03 18:26
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funny i had that bug on this one computer but on my normal one I dont. mysterious stuff these proggys...

21.10.03 20:37
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hmm that's why u should always check. Damn n00bs never think...
21.10.03 21:36
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Ah, I didnt know about that little bug. Maybe it will sort of the problem. I'll give it a try once I get over this crappy bloody flu I have. :oops:

21.10.03 22:09
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Look, now signed up. wow. anyway, i tink its sorted the problem. at last though i think ive tried making it manhattan or hospital for ages and it aint worked. Oh well, thanks anyway. Bye bye lovely thread. 8O

23.10.03 17:24
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