
BTForum » General Clan Forums » Worms Armageddon 'N Square-Enix Forums » She claims she beat FFX-2

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I haven't even met her I have her pic and she claims he beat FFX-2! Grr, noone beats Imported games before me :(

14.10.03 02:26
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and how did u come across her? Oooo chinese chick
15.10.03 21:41
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She's not Chinese! She's a hot japanese chick! I'm asian, your not, get your hands off her! :x:twisted::evil:

15.10.03 22:12
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do u know her personally or planning to stalk her/
15.10.03 22:53
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I'm planning to stalk her.

She'll get raped. But you didn't hear it from me

15.10.03 22:59
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wow amazing she beet a game b4 you :lol:
30.10.03 15:06
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yes, but then, I can't read japanese and she can.

30.10.03 18:04
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and what makes you think thats her? probably a random google pic that she found and really she is a 95 year old nutcase.

31.10.03 03:34
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It not my pic :), it's her boyfriends, all he did was talk about her and posted a pic on the FFXSB

01.11.03 06:00
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Ain't they beautiful? (screw yahoo, won't let me take the image, see her profile here [profile? what profile??])

01.11.03 22:16
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Last edited: 03.11.03 13:53 (TheAbdBoy - 2 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]

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